Make sure Alexa and the Bluetooth device are connected. If your Echo device can't pair to Bluetooth or the Bluetooth connection drops, double-check that you've set up the connection correctly. Update the software version on your Echo. While your Echo should receive updates automatically, an ou...
Fixed Mac/OSX issue that caused an unresponsive Sample App when not connected to the internet. Fixed issue that prevented sample app from exiting various states. Fixed UIManager issue that caused an error in the logs when the device with built without the wake word enabled. Fixed volume issue...
Maybe you're upgrading your Amazon Echo smart speaker, or you're trying to fix an unresponsive device. Either way, factory resetting your Alexa-powered gadget is the way to go. But knowing where to start isn't always straightforward. Theoriginal Echo from 2014has only two buttons, while ...
Step 60: Troubleshooting AlexaLirc program no output to the terminal, check your AWS IoT thing's policy for a misconfiguration. Thanks to user JamesG368 for informing me of this. AlexaLirc program unresponsive after awhile when running multiple RasPi's to one AWS IoT thing using the same ce...
If Alexa isn't working properly on your Amazon Echo device, do a soft reset by unplugging it for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds, plug your Echo speaker back in. If Alexa is unresponsive or glitching, this soft reset trick often solves the problem.[1] A few moments after plugging your ...