I am trying to make usb hid connection with STM32F103C8. I was able to compile the USB Library via the KEIL Compiler. The processor is running. After the USB init routines, the processor goes to the main program. And when I make the USB connection, I get the error that the ''...
My device is a Blue Pill (genuine STM32F103C8T6). It's connected with an STlink v2 via SWD (Firmware version V2J37S7). Boot0 and Boot1 are both high via a 100k resistor to 3V3. I can program the device with PlatformIO, but not with the CubeIDE from STM. The Err...
STM32的Keil(MDK)工程切换器件(启动文件) 使用环境(蓝色粗体字为特别注意内容) 1、软件环境:Keil MDK 5.15 2、硬件环境:STM32F103C8T6最小系统 最近在帮忙看朋友的一个STM32的Keil工程,发现程序下载到板子之后运行状态异常,再次下载程序竟然不用按复位键直接下载!初步确定是板子不兼容的问题,估计得改器件(启动...
使用HAL库出现No Cortex-M SW Device Found 使用STM32CubeMX生成代码下载到STM32F103c8,再次下载时出现NoCortex-MSWDeviceFound,原因是在void HAL_MspInit(void)函数中关闭了JTAG功能 /**DISABLE:JTAG-DP Disabled andSW-DP Disabled */ __HAL_AFIO_REMAP_SWJ_DISABLE(); 删除 ...
GD32F103C8T6在KEIL5下报错Could not stop Cortex-M device无法擦除烧录用电脑接ST-LINK V2烧录器接板子,前一天还用得好好的,第二天重新上电就没反应,用KEIL5擦除烧录就报错了。KEIL5能检测到芯片型号ID再使用其他软件和方法尝试擦除烧录都不行了。用PA9/PA10的串口1烧录也不行这种情况已经出现2次了,第一...
用的是jlink中swd串口,调试的板子是stm32f10.下载程序进入板子调试时出现下面问题:build output显示问题如下:已经尝试网上的多种方法:1.将Debug设置中的JTAG模式改为SWD模式,但还是无法找到设备2.把BOOT1拉低,BOOT0拉高至3.3V,重新下载程序,擦掉FLASH,再
STM1061N19WX6F STM1061N19WX6F STM1061N19WX6F STM1061N21WX6F STM1061N21WX6F STM1061N21WX6F STM1061N22WX6F STM1061N22WX6F STM1061N22WX6F STM1061N23WX6F STM1061N23WX6F STM1061N23WX6F STM1061N25WX6F STM1061N25WX6F STM1061N25WX6F STM1061N26WX6F STM1061N26WX...
用STM32F103... 相关介绍 用户评论 设备日志设备介绍 1、网络控制器使用stm32f103c8t6、esp8266-01S、nrf24l01+。 2、传感器节点共三 个:(1)arduino mini pro+mq135+nrf24l01+ (2)arduino mini pro+dht11+nrf24l01+ (3)arduino mini pro+继电器+nrf24l01+地址: ...
This is an example application that runs on an STM32F103C8 "bluepill" board using a USB DFU bootloader. Once the bootloader and this application have been uploaded, it blinks just like any other blinky example. However, it also enumerates as a USB DFU runtime device, making it possible ...
Device: STM32F103C8T6 (Flash size: 64KB) / STM32F103CBT6 (Flash size: 128KB) My example: NameSTM32F103C8T6 AddressSTM32F103CBT6 Address Appcode starts from:0x0800_4000 - 0x0800_FFFF (48KB)0x0800_4000 - 0x0801_FFFF (112KB) (Unused) starts from:0x0800_36E0 - 0x0800_3FFF (2.28KB...