确保你看到的错误信息确实是“error #550: requested device stm32f103c8(stmicroelectronics) not found for target”。这个错误通常表示开发环境(如Keil MDK)中缺少或未正确配置STM32F103C8的设备支持包。 检查STM32F103C8设备支持包是否安装: 你需要确保你的开发环境中已经安装了STM32F103C8的设备支持包。这个包...
Additional data: I purchased two of these 'blue pill' modules, and the second one clearly shows 'STM32F103C8T6' Frank 0 Kudos Reply prain Senior III 2020-08-01 11:46 PM Be aware that some blue pill boards have fake MCUs (same name as origin...
So I'm using an STM32F103C8T6 board and it was working fine a few days ago but then tried to load a code with keil vision compiler these days and it showed this message STLINK Error(DEV_TARGET_HELD_UNDER_RESET). After that using the STM32CubeProgrammer also shows the same problem, ...
“Error: Flash Download failed - “Cortex-M3“32芯片移植的常见问题 博主制作了一块STM32F103C8T6的板子用于项目设计,在进行程序移植的时候出了一些问题,一直报错Error: Flash Download failed - “Cortex-M3”,经过很长时间的最终解决,这里总结一下芯片移植常见问题。 1.芯片Flash型号选择错误 STM32系列芯片的内...
使用stm32cubemx 创建工程就不说了。安装交叉编译工具链因为之前编译过其他的工程所以我就没重新装过,版本是gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_8-2014q3-20140805-win32 在工程目录下Makefile文件夹的路径里输入cmd回车 结果提示以下错误如下图 arm-none-eabi-gcc build/main.o build/stm32f1xx_it.o build/stm32f1xx_hal...
STM32单片机使用JLINK下载程序出现如下错误,以及对应的解决办法 出错一:Link - Cortex-MError Could not stop Cortex-Mdevice! Please check the JTAG cable. 解决步骤: 1、点击菜单栏中的魔法棒 2、在Options窗口中,选择C/C++,再勾选 Optimize for time和One ELF Section ... ...
STM32F103C8T6核心板_ST_Link下载失败_使用串口烧录挽救前言:st_link下载经常失败,曾经修复一块芯片烧坏的核心板,焊接好新的芯片后,st_link烧录不了,只得使用串口烧录,串口烧录后发现st_link也恢复了。说明:串口下载模式也就是ISP... 苹果派派 2021-08-02 09:21:46 ST_LINK V2调试STM32F103VET6提示:Fatal ...
STM32f103c8t6移植到CH32F103C8T6编译通过,但下载程序提示错误怎么处理? =41HRequired=00H) !VerifyFailed!Error:FlashDownloadfailed-"Cortex-M3"FlashLoad finished at 15:34:27硬件:CH32F103C8T6某鱼买的st7796屏幕WCHLINK下载器 jjll6522022-09-08 07:13:14 ...
Hello, I made serious effort to avoid creating duplicate or nearly similar issue This issue is similar/completely identical to the issue (STM32F103C8T6-option-bytes) but it affects a different family of MCUs. Programmer/board type: [STLI...
分享1赞 stm32吧 _silence08 求助:internal command error用stlink下载点灯程序到新板子上结果出现了这个问题 分享回复1 嵌入式吧 贴吧用户_74ZE7EW 请教一下ST-link下载程序的问题我用的是STM32F103C8T6的最小系统板,我连上ST-link后,编译下载显示: No target connected,我按复位按键并下载后,下载进去后。debu...