Alexa App的设备面板中显示“Device is unresponsive”? 若出现此字样,则代表该设备当前在服务端存储的状态为离线状态。建议您将手机网络切换为4G,并进入设备的App(非Alexa App)查看设备的状态。若此时发现设备确实是离线状态,建议您按照以下方式排查: 请检查设备是否正常通电; 设备是否有断过电或者断过网,如断开过...
Alternatively, plug your smart speaker into an outlet that's connected to a light switch. When (and how) to reset Alexa If your Alexa-enabled device is still unresponsive after switching the power off and on, you may need to reset it. Amazon has specific instructions for various models, ...
The force reboot solution works if your iPhone is crashed or frozen, which can sometimes cause an unresponsive iPhone with a black screen that appears dead because it isn’t responsive to anything. DFU If your iPhone gets the Silver Logo but restarts there, again and again, you can fix this...
If your Amazon Alexa-enabled device—such as the Echo or Echo Dot—has intermittent connection issues or is unresponsive, you may need to restart it. How to restart Alexa If you do need to restart your unresponsive Alexa device, you simply need to turn it off and back on. You can do...