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Introduction:- Innovation is known to be important for productivity and economic growth, while intellectual property rights are, in conventional economics models, thought to spur innovation. Yet China, which averaged over 6 percent annual economic growth for three decades and is ...
Improved economic growth and environmental protection are necessary to achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. This study examines the relationship between people’s education levels and sustainable lifestyles in protecting the enviro
CHELT implements a four-level evaluation model, starting from basic to advanced, with (1) opinion questionnaires, (2) anecdotal evidences, (3) systemic in-class practices and (4) student outcomes. It is towards the most advanced level (that is, student outcomes) that concerns have been ...
[31] by intersecting the techno-economic model developed to investigate UCG-CCGT-CCS economics at a local scale to the macro scale energy system-modeling. 6.1. Future studies Surface process chains as air separation and synthesis gas processing may be optimized by thermodynamic process modeling ...
1. Professional development: an argument for evidence-based practices 2. Effective instructional approaches to writing instruction 3. Description of PD in this genre-based instructional approach 4. Current study and research questions 5. Measures 6. Data sources and analysis 7. Results 8. Discussion...
Improving the productivity of smallholder farms in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) offers the best chance of reducing poverty among this generation of rural poor, by building on the few resources farming households already own. It is also the best and shortest
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