We describe a case of a dysplastic bone marrow with increased bone marrow hematogones detected by flow cytometry in a child with vitamin B12 deficiency. Hematogones are normal B cell precursors, and hyperplasia has been described in a variety of often reactive conditions and also disease. Hemato...
Garcia Vela JA,Monteserin MC,Delgado I,Benito L,Ona F.Aberrant immunophenotypes detected by flow cytometry in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Leukemia and Lymphoma . 2000Garcia Vela JA, Monteserin MC, Delgado I, Benito L, Ona F. Aberrant immunophe- notypes detected by flow cytometry in acute ...
Immunoprecipitation detected by flow cytometry (IP-FCM) is an efficient method for detecting and quantifying protein-protein interactions. The basic principle extends that of sandwich ELISA, wherein the captured primary analyte can be detected together with other molecules physically associated within multi...
Flow cytometry analysis of in vitro activated basophils (BATs) based on the detection of CD63 up-regulation on basophil membrane provides the physician and the clinical laboratory with a novel diagnostic approach, proposed as a promising alternative method for in vitro diagnosis of IgE and non-medi...
Residual disease detected by multidimensional flow cytometry signifies high relapse risk in patients with de novo acute myeloid leukemia: a report from Children's Oncology Group Transfusiology & Haematology Today / Transfuze a Hematologie DnesHrodek, Otto...
Detection of minimal/measurable residual disease (MRD) in bone marrow specimens by flow cytometry is widely used in patients with T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL). It plays a central role in guiding treatment and assessing prognosis. However, the occurrence of a normal physiologic react...
Lange M,Guillou L,Vaulot D,et al.Identification of the class Prymnesiophyceae and the genus Phaeocystis with ribosomal RNA-targeted nucleic acid probes detected by flow cytometry.Journal of Phycology. 1996Lange, M., Guillou, L., Vaulot, D., Simon, N., Amann, R.I., Lud- wig, W.,...
摘要: Annals of Hematology - Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with NPM1 mutation is a distinct genetic entity with favorable outcomes. Nevertheless, emerging evidence suggests that NPM1-mutated AML is still...关键词: Acute myeloid leukemia NPM1mutations Next-generation sequencing Measurable residual ...
Cellular DNA and RNA were simultaneously quantitated in individual cells of cycling and quiescent populations by flow cytometry. Based on differences in RNA content, two distinct subcompartments, G1Aand G1B, were recognized in the G1phase of exponentially growing cells. After mitosis, cells reside ...
Objective In order to meet the need of rapid diagnosis of biological dosage of individuals exposed to radiation in a large-scale radiation accident,the rate of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocyte(MPE) in mouse bone marrow after irradiation was detected by flow cytometry(FCM),so as to develop ...