lm: longitudinal muscle, n: nucleus, ne: nucleus of epidermal cell, pcg: projection of the ciliated gland cell, pfg: posterior frontal gland, pln: peripheral longitudinal nerve, ptg: projection of the tubular gland cell
86. Briefly, serum were supplemented with deuterium-labelled internal standards and esterified sterols were saponified with 500 µl 0.5 N KOH for 20 min at 60 °C. Sterols were extracted twice with 450 µl water and 900 µl hexane and derivatized with 60 µl BSTFA:TMCS (90:10), ...
Species separated chromatographically but incompletely characterised were labelled with an (a) or (b), for example PC(P-17:0/20:4) (a) and (b) where (a) and (b) represent the elution order. Expanding the Analysis of Lipid Species in Human Plasma Starting with the list of 312 lipid ...
iSub-stack showing a longitudinal section of the epidermis with details on the peripheral nervous system associated to the musculature (the outside of the animal is on the upper side of the picture). Abbreviations: avnc: anterior
Supervised learning is a fundamental pillar of machine learning (ML), including the inference of functions from precisely labelled training data sets. These data sets contain training instances, each of which consists of a pair consisting of an input item, generally represented as a vector, and th...