Hi, maybe year ago, I got that issue when I was on Arch, after updating it. Today I use Void, and I installed XFCE again, and got the same issue in XFCE (icons are fine in LXDE). This problem happens in XFCE and with icons called "Chicag...
a home icon, an interact icon, a monitor icon, a pen icon, a phonebook icon and other icons which can be useful for both corporate and personal projects. You can use the set for free — without any restrictions whatsoever.PNG files(4 Mb) ...
* DNA-25437 Requests for opera: urls shouldn’t be sent to Site Icon Generator DNA-25442 Enable the experimental-start-page flag in the developer stream * DNA-25445 Wrong URLs used for root level apple-touch-icon.png and favicon.ico * DNA-25446 Name of bookmark is not correctly displayed...
HiI am learning windows server 2019 and i have a problem about RD:i have a user (test_1) in an OU and this user have access to Remote Desktop, locally this...
DNA-13734 Close icon on tab freezes on hover state after hovering it while holding link DNA-13735 There should be no shrink animation if Speed Dial tab is dragged over bookmark bar DNA-13782 [Mac] Dragging a URL from one window to QAB in another window opens dialog in the first window ...
[REDACTED]/preload.bundle.js\",\"backgroundThrottling\":true,\"enablePreferredSizeMode\":true,\"disableBlinkFeatures\":\"Accelerated2dCanvas,AcceleratedSmallCanvases\"},\"icon\":\"[REDACTED]/images/signal-logo-desktop-linux.png\",\"x\":2,\"y\":18}"} {"level":30,"time":"2023-09-...
Hi everyone, I want to export a png with transparent background so I can import it in my CAD software. I created a document 1000x1000 pixels. Used a tree-brush to create said image with a shadow. Next I click on export PNG and when I go and import it in
The Suggested Replies started Showing up in the Teams Desktop Application as well. This feature was already rolled out to the mobile version of the Teams...
Icon_name: "firefox.exe"; Icon_Position: 1233px, 189px; Icon_Link: "c://system64/firefox/firefox.exe"; All replies (1) Friday, October 14, 2016 2:45 AM ✅Answered Hi iZanoVic, "Recently I found out that physical position of all desktop icons are saved in the registry " How ...
In Windows, right-click on the X-Plane.exe icon and select Create Shortcut. In Mac OS, right-click on the X-Plane.app icon and select Make Alias. Drag the shortcut wherever you wish to launch X‑Plane from.To launch X‑Plane for the first time:Make...