An image and texture viewer for tga, png, apng, exr, dds, pvr, ktx, ktx2, astc, pkm, qoi, gif, hdr, jpg, tif, ico, webp, and bmp files. Uses Dear ImGui, OpenGL, and Tacent. Useful for game devs as it displays information like the presence of an alpha cha
bounceBackground: '', //String类型,窗口回弹效果区域的背景.窗口回弹效果区域背景可支持颜色值或图片.颜色值格式:"#RRGGBB".背景格式:"url(%image path%)",例如:"url(./icon.png)",图片采用平铺模式绘制.安卓不支持. popGesture: 'close', //String类型,窗口的侧滑返回功能.none:无侧滑返回功能.close:侧滑...
//重写这个方法 protected void setStatusBar() { StatusBarUtil.setTransparentForImageView(...); } /** * 为头部是 ImageView 的界面设置状态栏全透明 * * @param activity 需要设置的activity * @param needOffsetView 需要向下偏移的 View */ public static void setTransparentForImageView(Activity activity...
However, the JPEG compression algorithm is lossy and is not recommended for many map images, as line drawings, and text or icon graphics, become blurred by compression artifacts. Therefore, the PNG format is usually superior for map images. JPEG files can be generated with an accompanying world...
(dark appearance),这种模式下可以更突出显示应用窗口中的内容...Image Assets 使用Assets Image 与Assets Color非常相似,具体请参考操作图例: Assets Image Set Assets Image...Template Images 使用模版图片也是一种常用的适配解决方案,典型的案例就是设置控件的icon(比如一个播放或者暂停的按钮).这种方法需要配合使用...
Excellent Viewer For Mobile. Contribute to slaeensh/ExView development by creating an account on GitHub.
toolIconSize(50, 30); ui->mainToolBar->setIconSize(toolIconSize); //设置工具栏图标大小 QIcon newFileIcon(u8":/images/新建文件.png"); QIcon openFileIcon(u8":/images/打开文件.png"); QIcon saveFileIcon(":/images/保存.png"); QIcon runIcon(u8":/images/运行.png"); QIcon stopIcon...
Fred: Vestibulum id penatibus et auctor ... 10:09 am See all messages
Transparent PNG saving added New option: Canvas size (Create image border) (Image menu and Batch mode) New hotkeys: E = show EXIF info, CTRL+I = show IPTC info, F4 = append current file to slideshow Option to start IrfanView in fullscreen mode (Properties->Misc 1) Selection: propo...
34 35 </view> 36 </view> 37 </template> 38 39 40 /** 41 * Image 图片 42 * @description 此组件为uni-app的image组件的加强版,在继承了原有功能外,还支持淡入动画、加载中、加载失败提示、圆角值和形状等。 43 * @tutorial 44 ...