The design scheme of FIR linearity phasic digital filter based on FPGA is introduced. The FPGA four import LUT configuration is used to make up of vector multiplication, and the VHDL source program and simulating results are given. The design error cause and improving measure are discussed. Compa...
In order to improve the real-time and flexible of FIR digital filter, a reconfigurable FIR filter system based on FPGA is designed. According to the filter specialties, the filter coefficients are calculated by the computer. And the configured coefficients of the multistage FIR filter are ...
Optimized Design of the Type-four FIR Filter Based on Neural Networks with Sine Basis Functions The relationship between the amplitude-frequency characteristic of linear phase type-four FIR filters and the algorithm of the neural networks based on sin... XH Wang,HE Yi-Gang,ZZ Zeng - 《Journal...
基于国产高云FPGA的IP核FIR滤波器设计 市面上使用FPGA设计的FIR滤波器有很多,其中基于IP核设计的同样很多,但是基于国产FPGA软硬件设计的FIR滤波器很少,其中会用国产IP的更少,而用高云的几乎没有,至少网上基本是找不到开源项目的,于是趁着这次做实验的机会我使用使用国产高云FPGA及其IP设计了一个简易的FIR滤波器,...
International Journal of Computer Science & Mobile ComputingP. Karthikeyan, Dr. Saravanan.R,"FPGA Design of Parallel Linear-Phase FIR DigitalFilter Using Distributed Arithmetic Algorithm," IJCSMC, Vol. 2, Issue. 4, April 2013, pg.52 - 57...
Design of Low Power and Area Efficient FIR Digital Filter Area efficient parallel linear phase FIR filter uses the methods to reduce the area based on fast FIR algorithm in which multipliers are eliminated and adders are used. In the present work both types of filters are simulated and ... ...
Two novel implementations of the remez multiple exchange algorithm for optimum fir filter design 热度: A FRAMEWORK FOR THE DESIGN OF HIGH SPEED FIR FILTERS ON FPGAS 热度: 翻译原文-A novel strategy for predicting the performance of open vertical refrigerated display cabinets based on the MTF ...
This paper presents a filtering method based on adaptive algorithm LMS(Least Mean Square),which introduces the application of the method in the low frequency signal filtering, and implements it in the FPGA platform. The traditional digital filter FIR, IIR have different filter parameters for differen...
FIR filter design literature gives more exact expressions for the required filter length depending on stop band attenuation and pass and stopp band frequency. Typical relative lengths are considerable larger than L > 1/fc. The FIR design chapter of U.Meyer-Baese digital signal processing with ...
Moreover, the proposed FPGA implementation is found to involve significantly less area-delay complexity compared with the existing DA-based implementations of FIR filter.Chivukula Sai Srivani