The paper presents an approach of designing FIR filter using window function. The method proposed is simulated in MATLAB. The simulated results show that the approach of designing FIR filter presented can meet the design requirements illustrated, and it has a higher efficiency compared to traditional...
In this design, we have proposed a novel window function. The new function is based on the product of classical Blackman and Gaussian window. KEYWORDS: FIR filter, Blackman window, Gaussian window, Hanning window, Kaiser window, side lobeShubhendra Singh Gurjar...
Introduction to FIR Filter Design by Windowing We will explain the window method by using an example. Suppose that we want to design a lowpass filter with a cutoff frequency of ωcωc, i.e. the desired frequency response will be: Hd(ω)={1|ω|<ωc0elseHd(ω)=...
Standard Band FIR Filter Design: fir1 The fir1 function uses a least-squares approximation to compute filter coefficients and then smooths the impulse response with a window. For an overview of windows and their properties, see Windows. fir1 resembles the IIR filter design functions in that it is...
Design Technique of High-pass Filter using different window Digital FIR filter designed by different window techniques perform better for reducing noise from signal. In this paper, we design high-pass filter by using various window methods such as Hanning, Hamming, Blackman, Kaiser .This paper ....
LUT based FIR Filter Design & implementation on FPGA using Faithfully Rounded Truncated Multiple Constant Multiplication/Accumulation Low-cost finite impulse response (FIR) esigns are presented using the concept of faithfully rounded truncated multipliers. We jointly consider the optimization of bit width ...
A Lowpass FIR Filter Design Using Various Windows FIR filters are widely used due to the powerful design algorithms that exist for them, their inherent stability when implemented in non-recursive form, the ease with which one can attain linear phase, their simple extensibility to multirate cases...
In the second step, the 2-D linear phase FIR filter is converted to 2-D IIR filter. This is done by converting the constituent N-order 1-D FIR filters to an n-order IIR filters, where n < N using the given model reduction algorithm. The reduced order IIR filters are obtained without...
As we saw in section 5.3, an FIR filter is easily constrained to have one of two particularly useful properties: namely, linear-phase or linear-plus-90°-phase response corresponding to even or odd symmetry, respectively, in its impulse response. Therefo
This paper presents the methods to reduce dynamic power consumption of a digital Finite Imppulse Respanse (FIR) filter these mrthods include low power serial multiplier and serial adder, combinational booth multiplier, shift/add multipliers, folding transformation in linear phase architecture and applied...