一经推出,黛丝德蒙娜就被评选为“最佳切花”、“最佳香味”、“最佳灌木月季”等多个称号。关于大卫·奥斯汀先生,特别有意思的一件事是,他应该是非常熟读莎士比亚著作的。因为在《奥赛罗》中,作者曾将Desdemona的命运借奥赛罗之口比作Rose:Once plucked, can bloom no more and must wither(一旦你摘下一朵玫瑰,...
If he would have had reason and asked Desdemona about the allegations before tensions rose, she might not have been killed from Othello's anger. Desdemona was very in love with Othello but he was overly jealous and full of anger to even think reasonably to ask Desdemona about 599 Words 3 ...
Lloyd Rose
"Bring to my Grave a black Rose whenever mighty Death chose to take me at His Hand!" My lovely Mistress, may I fullfil those sensual Words Thou whispered to me fairy-like as perpetual Testimony: "Per Disciplinam meam Tenebrae videbis" ...
我要在微博发原速[怒] (小红书发视频总被嫌慢我好难受,本来就是有人手脚快有人慢悠悠的呀……) 相关品牌如下: JoMalone祖马龙 Peony & Blushed Suede(牡丹和嫣红麂绒)和 Velvet Rose & Oud(丝绒玫瑰与...
Answering: "Plot" Visit DesdemonaRose's Competition Page Check all other answers to this prompt Competition Homepage Join Talitha Harbor Discord! All Images are made with Canva, wombo dream.ai, artflow.ai, or myself unless noted otherwise. Metadata...
Edit oldest article or stub and make art for it! Replace at least one old AI art on my site and edit that article too Find a CSS class and start it. Mar: World Building Con!! Start outline for Hidden Scars Finish up planet if not done ...
romance filmpropIn theatre and cinema a prop belongs to the sign system: when appearing on a stage or screen, it means something, it communicates something by itself on literal, dramatic and symbolic levels. From the limitless collection of movie props the author picks only those linked with ...