If he would have had reason and asked Desdemona about the allegations before tensions rose, she might not have been killed from Othello's anger. Desdemona was very in love with Othello but he was overly jealous and full of anger to even think reasonably to ask Desdemona about 599 Words 3 ...
"Bring to my Grave a black Rose whenever mighty Death chose to take me at His Hand!" My lovely Mistress, may I fullfil those sensual Words Thou whispered to me fairy-like as perpetual Testimony: "Per Disciplinam meam Tenebrae videbis" ...
A system to provide food, shelter, and basic medical care for all. But also a system that fears making the environmental mistakes of their ancestors. A society where certain technological advances are heavily restricted. Threats have been made. Some are angered by the limits and demand change...