You also need to state what the main trend or trends in the graph are. Don’t give detail such as data here – you are just looking for something that describes what is happening overall. One thing that stands out in this graph is that one type of fast food fell over the period, wh...
Gene A expression increased sharply and peaked 7 hours after treatment. There was a dramatic fall in expression for several hours. Then, expression levels remained steady from hour 9 to 14. After hour 14 there was a dramatic fall in gene expression....
12(a)(i) Use the information to describe the trends in melting point and .electricalconductivity across Period 2.i)How does the data show that the first four elements in Period 2 are solids atroom temperature and pressure?(b)(i)Does the electrical conductvity of carbon fit the general pat...
During a time___hiring famous pop stars and using silly gimmicks (噱头) have become major trends in drawing younger Chinese viewers, no one ever expected that these slowpaced and serious shows focused on Chinese tradition and culture would___(accept) so widely.But the...
1. Describe nuclear structure in terms of protons, neutrons, and electrons. 2. Explain trends in the relative stability of nuclei. What is the trend in atomic mass going across a period? What is effective nuclear charge? How does it affect the size of an e...
This is an example of anIELTS bar and line graphtogether. It is not uncommon to get two graphs to describe at the same time in the IELTS test. It can look a bit scary at first. However, when you look more closely, you'll see it is probably no more difficult than having one graph...
Describe the major trends that emerge when atomic radii are plotted against atomic number. Describe the trends observed when first ionization energies are plotted against atomic number. Explain why a graph of ionization energy verses atomic number (across a row) is not li...
Usually, an overview forms the second paragraph of the essay. In this one, you would have to write down the main features. Also, you must discover available comparisons and talk about general trends occurring in the given data. The First Body Paragraph ...
Graphs, charts, and tables often show trends or changes. Use words and phrases that describe the trend or movement. For example, increase, decrease, rise, fall, remain stable/steady, and so on. Use phrases to describe the speed at which the changes happen, for example, a sudden increase,...