You also need to state what the main trend or trends in the graph are. Don’t give detail such as data here – you are just looking for something that describes what is happening overall. One thing that stands out in this graph is that one type of fast food fell over the period, wh...
By using charts, graphs, tables, and other visual elements, you can present complex data in a more accessible and understandable format, allowing readers to grasp the information more easily.Visualizing data in a quarterly report also helps to highlight key trends and patterns that might otherwise...
This is an example of anIELTS bar and line graphtogether. It is not uncommon to get two graphs to describe at the same time in the IELTS test. It can look a bit scary at first. However, when you look more closely, you'll see it is probably no more difficult than having one graph...
Learn how to describe a line graph for IELTS writing task 1. IELTS Line graphs are common in writing task 1 along with bar charts, tables, maps, diagrams and pie charts. This lesson was last up-dated in 2018. The guidelines below will help you structure your line graph answer and focus...
This can be helpful for seeing trends in certain respondents’ answers. For example, you may notice a pattern that each person who dealt with a particular customer service agent gave a negative response to your Customer Effort Score (CES) survey. Use this template Then you know you need to...
Example, you don't want x-axis values to be in this order 2015, 2010, 2014, 2011, 2013, 2012 if you are trying to see trends over years. If your data is distributed evenly over, for example, years then the line chart is an excellent option, however, if your data is unevenly ...
Descriptive statistics help summarize data meaningfully, allowing us to find patterns that emerge from it. So, the GPA is an excellent example of descriptive statistics. Descriptive statistics vs. inferential statistics After collecting data in quantitative research, we need to understand and describe ...
Remember that the purpose of Academic Task 1 is to test your ability to distinguish and describe the changes and trends you see on the graph.If you think that there is not enough information on the graph to write 150 words: don't panic! Write in detail about every single alteration and ...
How to Learn AI From Scratch in 2025: A Complete Guide From the Experts Find out everything you need to know about learning AI in 2025, from tips to get you started, helpful resources, and insights from industry experts. Updated Feb 28, 2025 · 20 min read ...
Using data visualization to discover trends – both in the business and in the market – can give businesses an edge over the competition, and ultimately affect the bottom line. It’s easy to spot outliers that affect product quality or customer churn, and address issues before they become big...