gems/aws-sdk-iot/lib/aws-sdk-iot/types.rb Constant Summarycollapse SENSITIVE = [] Instance Attribute Summarycollapse #creation_date⇒ Time The date when the provisioning template version was created. #is_default_version⇒ Boolean True if the provisioning template version is the default ...
This lets you better organize your AWS IoT fleet without removing the flexibility of the underlying device certificate model or shadows. Type: String thingArn The ARN of the thing to describe. Type: String thingId The ID of the thing to describe. ...
{ "iotEventsDestinationConfiguration": { "inputName": "string", "roleArn": "string" }, "s3DestinationConfiguration": { "bucket": "string", "glueConfiguration": { "databaseName": "string", "tableName": "string" }, "key": "string", "roleArn": "string" } }, "entryName": "string"...
Describe an AWS IoT thing./*! \param thingName: The name for the thing. \param clientConfiguration: AWS client configuration. \return bool: Function succeeded. */boolAwsDoc::IoT::describeThing(constAws::String &thingName,constAws::Client::ClientConfiguration &clientConfiguration){Aws::IoT::IoT...
The ARN of the IAM role that allows IoT SiteWise to read Amazon S3 data. Returns: (String) #job_status ⇒ String The status of the bulk import job can be one of following values: PENDING –IoT SiteWise is waiting for the current bulk import job to finish. CANCELLED –The b...
AWS IoT Analytics API Reference Welcome Actions BatchPutMessage CancelPipelineReprocessing CreateChannel CreateDataset CreateDatasetContent CreateDatastore CreatePipeline DeleteChannel DeleteDataset DeleteDatasetContent DeleteDatastore DeletePipeline DescribeChannel DescribeDataset DescribeDatastore DescribeLoggingOptions Desc...
AWS IoT Events CreateAlarmModel CreateDetectorModel CreateInput DeleteAlarmModel DeleteDetectorModel DeleteInput DescribeAlarmModel DescribeDetectorModel DescribeDetectorModelAnalysis DescribeInput DescribeLoggingOptions GetDetectorModelAnalysisResults ListAlarmModels ListAlarmModelVersions ListDetectorModels ListDetectorMod...
arn:${Partition}:iotsitewise:${Region}:${Account}:dashboard/${DashboardId} Type: String Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 1600. Pattern: ^arn:aws(-cn|-us-gov)?:[a-zA-Z0-9-:\/_\.]+$ dashboardCreationDate The date the dashboard was created, in Unix...
The ARN of the role that the web application assumes when it interacts with AWS IoT Core. Type: String Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 1600. Pattern: ^arn:[!-~]+$ ssoClientId The Id of the single sign-on client that you use to authenticate and authorize...
Type:Tunnelobject Errors ResourceNotFoundException Thrown when an operation is attempted on a resource that does not exist. HTTP Status Code: 400 See Also For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: ...