Internet of Things (IoT) (13) Machine Learning (34) Management & Governance (37) Marketplace (1) Media Services (11) Migration & Transfer (10) Networking & Content Delivery (15) Partner Central (1) Quantum Computing (1) Robotics (1) Satellite (1) Security, Identity, & Compliance (25)...
In this step we create a deviceThings' Shadowin your AWS IoT Platform service that represents your physical device. Devices connected to AWS IoT are represented as Things in the AWS IoT registry. On the Welcome to the AWS IoT Console page, in the navigation pane, chooseManage | Things. ...
Customers like LG, Traeger Grills, Belkin, Centrica Hive, Weissbeerger, and more accelerated their success by migrating to AWS. Learn the benefits of migrating connected devices and IoT platforms to AWS IoT, and how we can help you quickly and easily pla
Learn how AWS supports building IoT Applications through its full depth of solutions. Start by understanding how the Internet of Things works and what your business can do with it.
Notice : See the documentation for more information: 3.1.2 CREATE SERVICE PROFILE Select “Profiles” view and click on “Add service profile”. Add a service profile Choose a service profile name (...
Unlock the value of vehicle data. Describes key concepts of AWS IoT FleetWise and provides instructions for using the features of AWS IoT FleetWise. HTML PDF Describes all the API operations for AWS IoT FleetWise in detail. Also provides sample requests, responses, and errors for the supported...
The AWS IoT Device SDK for Python allows developers to write Python script to use their devices to access the AWS IoT platform throughMQTT or MQTT over the WebSocket protocol. By connecting their devices to AWS IoT, users can securely work with the message broker, rules, and the device shado...
AWS IoT Analytics is a fully-managed service that makes it easy to run and operationalize sophisticated analytics on massive volumes of IoT data without having to worry about the cost and complexity typically required to build an IoT analytics platform. AWSSDK.IotData AWS IoT-Data enables secure...
AWS IoT SDK for JavaScript The aws-iot-device-sdk.js package allows developers to write JavaScript applications which access the AWS IoT Platform via MQTT or MQTT over the Secure WebSocket Protocol. It can be used in Node.js environments as well as in browser applications. Overview Installation...
More details about AWS IoT Device Shadow can be found in AWS IoT documentation. The AWS IoT Device Shadow library has no dependencies on additional libraries other than the standard C library. It also doesn’t have any platform dependencies, such as threading or synchronization. It can be used...