these begin at 0.5–1.0 mg/kg per day. Patients may experience rebound of the rash when treated with a shorter course. Oral corticosteroids may also be indicated in severe local reactions that involve the eyelids, extensive parts of the face, the genitals, and/or the hands, where swelling ...
background. The appearance and distribution of the inflammation correspond to the area of contact (eg, cosmetics used on the eyelids) but may be more diffuse due to rubbing of the eyelids with the material (eg, nail polish) and occur more rapidly within 12 to 24 hours after a period of ...
1、Contact dermatitis 接触性皮炎接触性皮炎 Definition Contact dermatitis is a generic term applied to acute or chronic inflammatory reactions to substances that come in contact with the skin. Irritant contact dermatitis (ICD) is caused by a chemical irritant; Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) by an...
Introduction The term contact dermatitis refers to a group of exogenous dermatoses commonly affecting both children and adults, with irritant contact dermatitis (ICD) representing the vast majority of cases (∼80%) and allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) accounting for the other large proportion (...
Patient and methods: a 27-year-old atopic female working in a greenhouse since 10 years presented with a 3 months history of severe eczema involving hands, face, eyelids and neck requiring a stop of the work. Tests were performed with European standard series (Trolab®), additional series,...
Patient and methods: a 27-year-old atopic female working in a greenhouse since 10 years presented with a 3 months history of severe eczema involving hands, face, eyelids and neck requiring a stop of the work. Tests were performed with European standard series (Trolab庐), additional series, ...
and shampoos produce dermatitis on the scalp. Eczema of the eyelids is caused by eye cosmetics or allergens that have been transferred from the hands, such as nail polish. Photoallergic contact dermatitis from sunscreens is produced by a photoreaction between sunlight and an allergen in exposed ar...
In addition, 14.4% of cases involved the eyelids, and 12.1% of cases were considered to have scattered/generalized distribution [9]. A separate retrospective review of European data from 2013 to 2015 found greater involvement of the hands (88.9%) than the face (36.8%, including eyelids, lips...