Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis B449 Aspergillosis, unspecified B451 Cerebral cryptococcosis B457 Disseminated cryptococcosis B488 Other specified mycoses B49 Unspecified mycosis B59 Pneumocystosis B600 Babesiosis B689 Taeniasis, unspecified B690 Cysticercosis of central nervous system B86 Scabies B91 ...
霰粒腫 373.2 373.32 Contact/Allergic dermatitis of eyelid 接觸性及過敏性眼瞼皮膚炎 373.32 374.00 Entropion 眼瞼內翻 374.00 374.01 Senile entropion 老年性眼瞼內翻 374.01 374.05 Trichiasis 倒睫毛伴有眼瞼內翻 374.05 374.10 Ectropion 眼瞼外翻 374.10 374.11 Senile ectropion 老年性眼瞼外翻 374.11 374.20 Lagophth...
Allergic purpura 2871 Thrombocytopathy 2872 Purpura NOS 28730 Prim thrombocytopen NOS 28731 Immune thrombocyt purpra 28732 Evans' syndrome 28733 Cong/herid thromb purpra 28739 Prim thrombocytopen NEC 28741 Posttransfusion purpura 28749 Sec thrombocytpenia NEC 2875 Thrombocytopenia NOS 2878 Hemorrhagic ...
霰粒腫 373.2 373.32 Contact/Allergic dermatitis of eyelid 接觸性及過敏性眼瞼皮膚炎 373.32 374.00 Entropion 眼瞼內翻 374.00 374.01 Senile entropion 老年性眼瞼內翻 374.01 374.05 Trichiasis 倒睫毛伴有眼瞼內翻 374.05 374.10 Ectropion 眼瞼外翻 374.10 374.11 Senile ectropion 老年性眼瞼外翻 374.11 374.20 Lagophth...
霰粒腫 373.2 373.32 Contact/Allergic dermatitis of eyelid 接觸性及過敏性眼瞼皮膚炎 373.32 374.00 Entropion 眼瞼內翻 374.00 374.01 Senile entropion 老年性眼瞼內翻 374.01 374.05 Trichiasis 倒睫毛伴有眼瞼內翻 374.05 374.10 Ectropion 眼瞼外翻 374.10 374.11 Senile ectropion 老年性眼瞼外翻 374.11 374.20 Lagophth...
霰粒腫 373.2 373.32 Contact/Allergic dermatitis of eyelid 接觸性及過敏性眼瞼皮膚炎 373.32 374.00 Entropion 眼瞼內翻 374.00 374.01 Senile entropion 老年性眼瞼內翻 374.01 374.05 Trichiasis 倒睫毛伴有眼瞼內翻 374.05 374.10 Ectropion 眼瞼外翻 374.10 374.11 Senile ectropion 老年性眼瞼外翻 374.11 374.20 Lagophth...