In the 16S rDNA-based phylogenetic tree encompassing allArthrobacterspecies (Fig.1A), withMicrococcus antarcticusas the outgroup, strain IIF3SC-B10Tclustered together with officially named species such asA. agilis, A. cheniae, A. bussei,andA. antioxidans(Fig.1A). However, in the WGS-based tre...
a Phylogenetic tree of core bacterial genera. The coloring of branches and nodes of the phylogenetic tree represents the phyla to which the taxa belong. The color of the genus names indicates the compartment where the taxa are core genera: yellow signifies core genera in both the shoot and ...
The sequencing result revealed a 1340 bp 16S rRNA gene sequence of strain MUM265 which has been submitted and deposited in GenBank with accession number (KY656444). Figure1shows a 16S rRNA gene phylogenetic tree of strain MUM265 based on neighbor-joining method which demonstrated a single cl...
Our analysis of 103 traits coded for 30 taxa with the branch-and-bound method produced a single parsimonious tree of 211 steps, a CI 0.65, and a RI 0.81 that resolved the systematic affinities of Promyliobatis (Fig. 8). The tree recovered is similar to the ones depicted by Marramà et ...
we performed protein sequence alignment using the full-length protein sequence of BOC1 as a query in BLAST analysis and selected 24 putative homologs (sharing > 80% sequence identity with BOC1 at the nucleotide level) to construct a phylogenetic tree. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that BOC1...
(ML) tree as the input. The phylogenetic tree of 418 strains revealed a radial population structure (FigureS4A) without obvious monophyletic clades, and the bootstrap values of deep branches were often 0, indicating that considerable recombination had occurred. The average r/m value was 4.38. ...
1B) as well as in their relative branch lengths in the phylogenetic tree (see below). This suggests that e/aRF1 is under more evolutionary constraint at the sequence level than e/aDom34p. Molecular phylogeny of eRF1/Dom34p family An unrooted phylogeny of a/eRF1 and a/eDom34p M and ...
(2019b) Spatial congruence or mismatch between phylogenetic and functional structure of seed plants along a tropical elevational gradient: Different traits have different patterns. Front Ecol Evol 7: 100. Google Scholar ...
This tree was derived from the covalent chemical structures of the sequences by objective mathematical methods, a line of reasoning that is independent of the derivations from biological traits, metabolic capacities, or fossil evidence.doi:10.1007/978-3-642-81557-7_6M O Dayhoff...
have been used to enhance transduction efficiencies or modify tissue tropisms of designer AAVs22,23,24,25,26. However, although tailor-made AAVs have gained considerable popularity over the last few years, intelligent design is often limited to the utilization of traits exhibited by existing AAVs...