Employees can use a DCA to pay for qualifying expenses such as daycare, summer day care, elder care, before and after school programs, and pre-school. Easy Spending and Account Management Employees will receive an Ameriflex Debit Mastercard® linked to their DCA. They can use their card...
financial success with trusted ai. explore financial services scale service streamline onboarding personalize engagement financial services cloud financial services pricing healthcare & life sciences back healthcare & life sciences grow healthy relationships on the #1 ai crm. explore health and life ...
a, Schematic of the experimental plan. The Trp53+/R270H MCS model was mated with the Trim28+/D9 developmental heterogeneity model. F1 genotypes were screened for health issues and tumor development. Tissues were collected before (aggressive) or at the endpoint of the study (70 weeks (w))....
4g–m). Five months old Ryr2fl/fl and age-matched control mice were bi-laterally injected with rAAV9.CamK2α-cre and rAAV1.Syn.Flex.GCaMP6m into the dorsal hippocampus. A chronic hippocampal window implant [43, 44] allowed us to gain access to the CA1 cell layer. Ca2+-imaging of...
The miRNA arrays were processed in an nCounter FLEX analysis system to generate RCC data files required for downstream analysis. Sample inputs were normalised to internal probes for housekeeping genes, as well as positive and negative controls, and analysed using the nSolver v 4.0 software ...
Prior to PCR amplification, end-repaired and A-tailed DNA fragments were ligated to Bioo Scientific NEXTflex Adapters (Bioo Scientific) at a concentration of 500 nM. Quality and quantity of the finished libraries were assessed using a combination of Agilent DNA High Sensitivity chip (Agilent ...
Cancer genome alterations often lead to vulnerabilities that can be used to selectively target cancer cells. Various inhibitors of such synthetic lethal targets have been approved by the FDA or are in clinical trials, highlighting the potential of this approach1,2,3. Here we analysed large-scale ...
AneligibledependentfortheUniversityofNebraskamedical,dentalandvisioncareinsuranceplanincludes: Yourspouse: ,Husbandorwife,asrecognizedunderthelawsofthestateofNebraska ,Common-lawspouseifyourcommon-lawmarriagewascontractedinajurisdictionrecognizingacommon-lawmarriage ...
Survival in a dynamic environment requires animals to plan future actions based on past sensory evidence, known as motor planning. However, the neuronal circuits underlying this crucial brain function remain elusive. Here, we employ projection-specific i
To understand the functional role of VIP-LRP cells, we performed in vivo two-photon calcium (Ca2+) imaging of VIP+ interneuron activity in head-restrained awake mice running on a treadmill (Fig.5a–d)39. TheCre-dependent viral vector adeno-associated virus (AAV)1.Syn.Flex.GCaMP6f.WPRE.SV...