EstablishDependent Care Flexible Spending Accountsfor your workforce Emerging Flex Benefits Trends As global employee burnoutspikes,employers are focusing more on mental wellnessprograms and will continue to do so in the future, according to the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM). Organizations...
Flexible spending arrangements (aka flexible spending accounts or FSAs) operate under cafeteria plans that are established underIRC § 125. A health FSA is the most popular FSA, allowing funds contributed by the employee and/or employer (often as flex credits...
The clock is ticking to use up the funds in your flexible spending account. FSAs, both health and dependent care, are offered by employers as a way for workers to save money on qualified expenses. The money is set aside pre-tax, but generally must be used by Dec. 31 or forfeited ba...
Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Health Savings Account (HSA) Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) Commuter Reimbursement Account (CRA) Dependent Care Account (DCA) Individual Coverage HRA (ICHRA) Excepted Benefit HRA (EBHRA) Limited Purpose FSA (LPFSA) Lifestyle Spending Account (LSA) COBRA Tuiti...
flexibleSpending Accounts Put pre-tax money aside to pay for certain eligible expenses read more HealthcareReimbursement Arrangement Reduce healthcare costs read more CommuterBenefits Put pre-tax money aside to reduce commuting fees read more
Island Flex allows employees to pay for eligible health and dependent care expenses with TAX FREE money by redirecting a portion of their salary to a Medical Spending Account and/or a Dependent Care Spending Account. Please use the links above to access forms and to find out more about our ...
Sign up for an FSA to save money! Flexible Spending Accounts save you money on medical and child care expenses. Most people save at least 25% on each dollar that is set aside in the program. Eligible expenses include Deductibles, co-pays, & co-insurance ...
Flexible spending accounts (FSA), which allow employees to set aside pretax earnings for medical expenses, dependent care and public transportation, have been around for a decade. But few smaller employers have offered them ...
We celebrate every success and milestone as a team and enjoy spending time together at our weekly Friday coffee and cake meetings, monthly after works, and other fun events such as our people’s birthdays, or going to spinning classes together. ...
You can open a flexible spending account, or FSA, to set aside pre-tax money for health-related expenses not covered by insurance, or for expenses related to dependent care. Some employers even offer FSAs for mass-transit expenses, to help you save money on your commute. There are ...