Data and the intelligence that may be assessed from it support both a strong security position, as well as empower the DoD to provide for "the common defense." Both intelligence and non-intelligence services that are part of the DoD have compelling interest in leveraging commercially proven...
In testimony before the US Senate on January 27, 2010, Deputy Undersecretary for Defense for Installations and Environment, Dr. Dorothy Robyn, stated that the military s heavy reliance on fossil fuels creates significant risks and costs at a tactical and strategic level.1 The intent of this ...
OCX will take over control of the existing constellation and has new capabilities essential to the operation of the upcoming GPS III satellites — the first of which is scheduled to be available for launch by the end of 2014. To address a potential two-year gap between the launch of OCX an...
To fulfill the requirement of the DCS/LOG, it was directed that the study should include a general correlation between the physical and electrical properties of radomes, their adaptability to the various Department of the Army air defense systems radars, general cost estimates, and the use of ...
(other than the Department of Defense). Despite this primary intent several important and vital security apparatus were notably not included in DHS, e.g. the CIA and FBI. While the secondary purpose of the DHS was not to create a large “police” agency, in fact, the DHS, with all law...
Data and the intelligence that may be assessed from it support both a strong security position, as well as empower the DoD to provide for "the common defense." Both intelligence and non-intelligence services that are part of the DoD have compelling interest in leveraging commercially prove...
美国国防反情报和安全局 (DCSA) 美国国防合同管理局 (DCMA) 美国五角大楼部队保护局 (PFPA) 对云策略的影响 由于其规模、结构、全球影响力以及所处理数据的性质,DOD 对美国政府的云策略具有重大影响。 安全性 保卫美国不仅限于使用武力的战场。 现代战争包括数字世界、数据保护和关键基础结构,以确保国家安全和任务...
美国国防反情报和安全局 (DCSA) 美国国防合同管理局 (DCMA) 美国五角大楼部队保护局 (PFPA) 对云策略的影响 由于其规模、结构、全球影响力以及所处理数据的性质,DOD 对美国政府的云策略具有重大影响。 安全性 保卫美国不仅限于使用武力的战场。 现代战争包括数字世界、数据保护和关键基础结构,以确保国家安全和任务...
美国国防后勤局 (DLA) 美国导弹防御局 (MDA) 美国国防健康局 (DHA) 美国国防威胁压制局 (DTRA) 美国国防反情报和安全局 (DCSA) 美国国防合同管理局 (DCMA) 美国五角大楼部队保护局 (PFPA)对云策略的影响由于其规模、结构、全球影响力以及所处理数据的性质,DOD 对美国政府的云策略具有重大影响。安全...
美国国防反情报和安全局 (DCSA) 美国国防合同管理局 (DCMA) 美国五角大楼部队保护局 (PFPA) 对云策略的影响 由于其规模、结构、全球影响力以及所处理数据的性质,DOD 对美国政府的云策略具有重大影响。 安全性 保卫美国不仅限于使用武力的战场。 现代战争包括数字世界、数据保护和关键基础结构,以确保国家安全和任务...