DEDCS/Engineering & Services Copyright, All rights reserved. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. Link to this page: ...
DPDelta Pressure(change of pressure across a wall or membrane) DPDeck Paint DPDistinct Part(long term care unit of an acute hospital) DPDirectorate for Policy Support(US DoD; Defense Intelligence Agency) DPDynamic Planning DPDye Penetrant
A DLC digitizes and multiplexes the individual signals carried by the local loops onto a single datastream on the DLC segment.Also referred to as Integrated Digital Loop Carrier.Digital Cross-Connect System (DCS) << Previous Next >> Direct Inward Dialing/Direct Outward Dialing (DID/DOD) ...
DSMDeceased Service Member(US DoD) DSMDynamically Schedule Machine DSMDirect Support Manager Copyright, All rights reserved. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. ...
24 February 2017 impairs normal growth and rRNA transcription Aránzazu Gallego-García1, Antonio A. Iniesta1, Diego González2,†, Justine Collier2, S. Padmanabhan3 & Montserrat Elías-Arnanz1 CdnL is an essential RNA polymerase (RNAP)-binding activator of rRNA transcription in...
Importantly, all IBC tissues were ipsilateral breast events from patients with a prior diagnosis of DCIS, 9/12 of which were longitudinal samples that were matched to a progressor DCIS sample. A single-cell phenotypic atlas of DCIS epithelium and its microenvironment As part of the Human Tumor ...
Site selection : seeking a skilled workforce : while warehouse and distribution centers (DCs) have historically been located where land is cheap and transp... We were founding members of the Oregon Healthy Workforce Center (OHWC), one of the original five U.S. sites funded by the National ...
Under a Creative Commons license open accessHighlights Summary Altered myeloid inflammation and lymphopenia are hallmarks of severe infections. We identified the upregulated EN-RAGE gene program in airway and blood myeloid cells from patients with acute lung injury from SARS-CoV-2 or other causes acro...
Walking the safety walk: new guidebook puts a safer environment for pedestrians within reach More results ► Acronyms browser ? ▲ PECVD PECWA PED PED-NOS PEDA PEDAC PEDAL PEDAM PEDANT PEDAP PEDAR PEDB PEDBASE PEDC PEDCO PEDCR PEDCS PEDD PEDDR PEDDRO PEdDS PEDE PEDEC PEDEEE PEDES Pede...
RSReligious Support(US DoD) RSRaven Shield(computer game) RSRegional Stability RSRadio Science RSRun Support(baseball; runs scored for a pitcher per 9 innings) RSRoyal Selangor RSRanger Station(US NPS) RSRelay System RSReed-Sternberg(Cell) ...