I am a Professor of Computer Science in thePPLVgroup ofDepartment of Computer Science,University College London. I hold aRoyal Academy of Engineering Research Chairon Engineered Mathematics for Typed Text Structures (EMMTyS). UCL Webpage:https://iris.ucl.ac.uk/iris/browse/profile ...
我们之前已经提到,MSc Social Research Methods在UCL有同名项目;而MSc Applied Social Data Science也并非LSE的独创。在UCL,有数据科学硕士(Data Science MSc)提供高度相似的训练。不过有趣的是,UCL数据科学硕士并未与社会研究方法硕士设置在同一个系所,而是由统计科学系(Department of Statistical Science)开设。同学们...
我们之前已经提到,MSc Social Research Methods在UCL有同名项目;而MSc Applied Social Data Science也并非LSE的独创。在UCL,有数据科学硕士(Data Science MSc)提供高度相似的训练。不过有趣的是,UCL数据科学硕士并未与社会研究方法硕士设置在同一个系所,而是由统计科学系(Department of Statistical Science)开设。同学们...
指的是一个专业领域的学术部门,比如化学系Department of Chemistry、 历史系Department of History 等。一...
School of computer science 然后是人工智能系:department of Artificial Intelligence 最后才是我们组。
Since October 2016 I am the Director of the 'Westminster Genomics Services' (wgs@westminster.ac.uk). 研究领域 My research focuses principally on developing new bioinformatics approaches in collaboration with the department of computer science (Dr Aleka Psarrou and Mr Markos Mentzelopoulos) and UCL ...
The names of two referees with their email addresses. After your application is submitted, your referees will be provided with an email with instructions to submit a reference for you using UCL’s application system. We expect references to be submit...
Brooks, Clare. "Towards understanding the influence of subject knowledge in the practice of 'expert' geography teachers." Thesis, University College London (University of London), 2007. http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/10060928/. Full text Abstract: ...
analysingdata,designingthe resultingactionplanandpreparingthissubmission. BonitaCarboo(Administrator)joinedUCLDepartmentofMathematicsinFebruary2008asa Secretary.Therolehassinceundergoneareview,andsheisnowExaminationsLiaisonOfficer/ MScAdministrator(MScMathematicalModellingprogramme).Shehasfourchildren(alladults now)anda2...
degree in Computer Science from Nottingham University in 1996 and the PhD degree from King's College London in 2000. I then worked in industry in a variety of software development roles. In 2008 I joined UCL and developed novel imaging biomarkers to measure the progress of Alzheimer's disease...