To this end, one needs to introduce a quantum correction factor which has to fulfill two functions: it ensures the validity of the detailed balance relation and at the same time (approximately) removes the temperature dependence from the spectral density. Assuming a harmonic bath, the spectral ...
(General Physics) a measure of the strength of a magnetic field at a given point, expressed by the force per unit length on a conductor carrying unit current at that point. Symbol:B Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 199...
Density allows you to solve for mass and volume if given the other quantity. Since thedensity of common substancesis known, this calculation is fairly straightforward, in the form. (Note that the asterisk symbol—*—is used to avoid confusion with the variables for volume and density,ρandv,...
Densities refer to the measure of relative compactness. The definition of this measure can be expressed as mass, m, in a particular volume, v. Most noteworthy, the symbol ρ is mostly made use of for expressing this measurement. Furthermore, this symbol happens to be the lower case Greek l...
Density allows you to solve for mass and volume if given the other quantity. Since thedensity of common substancesis known, this calculation is fairly straightforward, in the form. (Note that the asterisk symbol—*—is used to avoid confusion with the variables for volume and density,ρandv,...
The density of water (or any other substance) is the ratio of its mass, m, to its volume, V. We usually denote density using the symbol ρ, so the formula for density is: ρ = m / V. It turns out that density isn't constant for most substances but, in fact, changes when exter...
We report neutron-scattering measurements of the density of states (DOS) of water and liquid Fomblin in a wide range of temperatures. In the liquid phase, we confirm the presence of a universal low-energy linear scaling of the experimental DOS as a function of the frequency,g(ω)=a(T)ω...
The container's volume is generally believed to symbolise its capability, or the quantity of fluid (liquid or gas) that it may be carried by it, rather than the quantity of occupied space.Moreover, the displacement of an object can be utilised in the development of the calculation of the ...
DFT establishes that a system of $N$ interacting\nelectrons can be described uniquely by its single-particle density\n$n(\\boldsymbol{r})$, instead of the $N$-body wave function, yielding an\nenormous gain in terms of computational speed and memory storage space. Here,\nwe use time-...
In recent experiments, external anisotropy has been a useful tool to tune different phases and study their competitions. In this paper, we look at the quantum Hall charge density wave states in the N = 2 Landau level. Without anisotropy, there are