Conversions of many more density units UnitSymbolEquivalent SI value pounds per cubic footlb / ft316.018 46 kg / m3 slugs per cubic footslug / ft3515.378 8 kg / m3 pounds per cubic inchlb / in327 679.90 kg / m3 Many people still use g/cm3(gram per cubic centimeter) or kg/L (kilogr...
3. (General Physics) a measure of the compactness of a substance, expressed as its mass per unit volume. It is measured in kilograms per cubic metre or pounds per cubic foot. Symbol: ρ See also relative density 4. (General Physics) a measure of a physical quantity per unit of length,...
Density is the mass per unit volume of a substance. The symbol used for density is 蟻 and its units are kg/m 3 . The relative density of a substance is the ratio of the density of the substance to the density of water. Relative density has no units, because it is the ratio of ...
of a standard substance under specified conditions. For liquids and solids the standard is usually water at 4°C or some other specified temperature. For gases the standard is often air or hydrogen at the same temperature and pressure as the substance. Symbol:dSee alsospecific gravity,vapour ...
Symbol:ρ See alsorelative density a measure of a physical quantity per unit of length, area, or volume Seetransmission density,reflection density 'density' also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations): In Lists:Wood/lumber,more... ...
You can find the density of any substance by dividing its mass by its volume. The formula for density is: ρ=m/v, with density represented by the symbol ρ (pronounced "rho"). There are three main ways to calculate density, depending on whether you're trying to find the density of a...
● Conversion of density units ● Definition: density = mass divided by volume; symbol ρ = m / V ρ (rho) = density, m = mass, V = volume. The SI unit of density is kg/m3. Water of 4 °C is the reference ρ = 1000 kg/m3 = 1 kg/dm3 = 1 kg/l or 1 g/cm3 = 1 g...
density is the measurement of how tightly a material is packed together. it is defined as the mass per unit volume. density symbol: d or ρ density formula: ρ = m/v, where ρ is the density, m is the mass of the object and v is the volume of the object. density examples iron,...
The density of water (or any other substance) is the ratio of its mass, m, to its volume, V. We usually denote density using the symbol ρ, so the formula for density is: ρ = m / V. It turns out that density isn't constant for most substances but, in fact, changes when exter...
Mercurywas known inEgyptand also probably in the East as early as 1500bce. The namemercuryoriginated in 6th-centuryalchemy, in which the symbol of theplanetwas used to represent the metal; thechemical symbolHgderivesfrom the Latinhydrargyrum, “liquid silver.” Although its toxicity was recogniz...