Experimental studies with fifth instar nymphs of Triatoma infestans showed that defaecation time was negatively affected by blood meal size and positively affected by starvation period and bug initial weight. Since blood meal size and starvation period are both density-dependent, low density domestic ...
Competition for Graphene: Graphynes with Direction-Dependent Dirac Cones. Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 086804 (2012). 10. Liu, Y., Wang, G., Huang, Q., Guo, L. & Chen, X. Structural and Electronic Properties of T Graphene: A Two-Dimensional Carbon Allotrope with Tetrarings. Phys. Rev. ...
The coefficient c is expected to be strongly dependent on the physical conditions under which the sediment resuspension happens56,57. The coefficient d may vary according to the modalities that different functional groups of bioturbators have in reworking sediment58. Experimental test Using artificially...
While the origin of the CDW instability in 2H-TMDCs has been a topic of debate for many years, most recent studies indicate that the CDW formation in 2H-TMDCs is driven by periodic lattice distortion induced by strong momentum-dependent electron-phonon coupling rather than by the Peierls-type ...
between variation inITOTand variation inRTOT. The coefficientcis expected to be strongly dependent on the physical conditions under which the sediment resuspension happens56,57. The coefficientdmay vary according to the modalities that different functional groups of bioturbators have in reworking ...
In the general sense, HDX data processing strategies are likely to develop in an instrumentation-dependent manner, as a function of: (1) Instrument mass accuracy/resolution of spectral acquisition; (2) whether or not instrument software parses spectra into peaklists and whether these peaklists are...
Density-dependent energy loss of protons in Pb and be targets and percent mass-stopping power from bethe-bloch formula and bichsel-sternheimer data within 1–12 MeV energy range. A comparative study based on bland-altman analysis J Med Imaging Radiat Sci, 50 (1) (2019), pp. 149-156 View...
serumleveIofcaIcium,butitIOwersserumleveIofphOsphOrus,andincreasesBMD,inaratmOdelOfosteopOrosis.HOwever,the dOse.dependenteffectOfporcinebOneproteinwasnotobsen,edwithinthepresentexperimentaldOsage.1nadditiOn,pOrcine boneproteincanalsOreducethemarrowcavitVOfthet_biaOfratswithOsteOpOrosis. 1NTRODUCTION Osteoporosis,...
While the origin of the CDW instability in 2H-TMDCs has been a topic of debate for many years, most recent studies indicate that the CDW formation in 2H-TMDCs is driven by periodic lattice distortion induced by strong momentum-dependent electron-phonon coupling rather than by the Peierls-type ...
The SAA-induced MCP-1 production is dependent on the activation of TLR2 and TLR4 as determined by studies with specific receptor antagonists and agonists or siRNA approach. Experiments were confirmed in tissues from TLR2 knockout, TLR4 deficient and TLR2 knock-out/TLR4 deficient mice. The ...