Dengue hemorrhagic fever in patients with thalassemia. J Med Assoc Thai 2005; 88 (suppl 8): 80-5.Pongtanakul B, Narkbunnam N, Veerakul G, Sanpakit K, Viprakasit V,Tanphaichitr VT, et al. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Patients with Thalassemia. J Med Assoc Thai 2005;88(8):s80-...
status. Disease severity is classified as either mild (grades I and II) or severe (grades III and IV), the presence of shock being the main difference. This stage lasts no more than 48 hours, after which the patients usually recover [16]. This WHO classification has been mostly adequate ...
When only the hemorrhagic manifestation is provoked (by a tourniquet test), the case is categorized as grade Idenguehemorrhagic fever, but aspontaneous hemorrhage, even if mild, indicates grade II illness. Grades III and IVdengue hemorrhagic fever(incipient and frankcirculatory failure, respe...
(INDONESIA,MYANMAR,AND THAILAND) •CATEGORY-B (INDIA,BANGALADESH,MALDIVES,ANDSRILANKA) •CATEGORY-C(BHUTAN,NEPAL) •CTEGORY-D(DPRKOREA) DengueVirus 1.Causesdengueanddenguehemorrhagicfever 2.Itisanarbovirus 3.Transmittedbymosquitoes 4.Composedofsingle-strandedRNA 5.Has4serotypes(DEN-1,2,3,4...
Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF): A syndrome due to the dengue virus that tends to affect children under 10, causing abdominal pain, hemorrhage (bleeding) and circulatory collapse (shock). DHF starts abruptly with high continuous fever and headache plus respiratory and intestinal symptoms with sore ...
hemorrhagic fever virus 出血热病毒 argentine hemorrhagic fever phr. 阿根廷出血热 相似单词 dengue n. 登革热 hemorrhagic 出血性的 fever n. 1.[C,U]发烧;发热 2.[C,U](主要用于构成复合词)热(病) 3.【单数】激动不安;兴奋紧张 4.[U](尤用于构成复合词)狂热 non hemorrhagic 非出血性的 fever...
传染病学英文版课件:DENGUE DENGUE HEMORRHAGIC FEVER.ppt,DENGUE DENGUE HEMORRHAGIC FEVER EpidemiologyIn India first outbreak of dengue was recorded in 1812A double peak hemorrhagic fever epidemic occurred in India for the first time in Calcutta between J
The Relationship Between Knowledge and Community Behavior In Efforts to Prevent Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever In The Sogaten Village Area, Manguharjo District, ... DHF is one of the national priorities for infectious disease control in Indonesia, every year the cases always increase and are increasingly...
Fibrinogen metabolism and disseminated intravascular coagulation in dengue hemorrhagic fever. In 29 patients with dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), 12 with grade 2 and 17 with grades 3 and 4, fibrinogen metabolism was studied by using 125I-fibrinogen;... T Srichaikul,S Nimmanitaya,N Artchararit,...
文档标签: dengue and hemorrhagic fever登革热和登革热 系统标签: dengue 登革热 hemorrhagic fever mosquito prevention CLINICALMICROBIOLOGYREVIEWS, 0893-8512/98/$04.00 0 July1998,p.480–496Vol.11,No.3 DengueandDengueHemorrhagicFever DUANEJ.GUBLER* DivisionofVector-BorneInfectiousDiseases,NationalCenterforInfec...