文档标签: dengue and hemorrhagic fever登革热和登革热 系统标签: dengue 登革热 hemorrhagic fever mosquito prevention CLINICALMICROBIOLOGYREVIEWS, 0893-8512/98/$04.00 0 July1998,p.480–496Vol.11,No.3 DengueandDengueHemorrhagicFever DUANEJ.GUBLER* DivisionofVector-BorneInfectiousDiseases,NationalCenterforInfec...
内容提示: 【疾病名】登革出血热 【英文名】dengue hemorrhagic fever 【别名】dengue shock syndrome 登革休克综合征 【ICD 号】A91 【病因和发病机制研究的进展】 1.病因研究进展 登革热病毒(DV)可引起登革热(DF)和登革出血热(DHF) DHF 与 DF 的主要区别为凝血异常和血管渗透性升高而导致微血管的渗漏和出血 ...
View PDF Explore book Dengue David W.Vaughn, ...Anna P.Durbin, inVaccines for Biodefense and Emerging and Neglected Diseases, 2009 Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever/Shock Syndrome DHFis a more severe form ofDENVinfection that is characterized by fever,thrombocytopenia, hemorrhagic manifestations, and ...
Dengue virus infection (DVI)/dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a common febrile illness with a variety of severities. The mortality rate is high in dengue
Epidemic dengue/dengue hemorrhagic fever as a public health, social and economic problem in the 21st century Duane JGubler, inTrends in Microbiology, 2002 Dengue fever/denguehemorrhagic feveris now one of the most important public health problems in tropical developing countries and also has major ...
Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF): A syndrome due to the dengue virus that tends to affect children under 10, causing abdominal pain, hemorrhage (bleeding) and circulatory collapse (shock). DHF starts abruptly with high continuous fever and headache plus respiratory and intestinal symptoms with sore ...
Dengue hemorrhagic feverdoi:10.1002/rmv.1980050403M. SinniahDepartment of VirologyA. IgarashiDepartment of VirologyReviews in Medical VirologySinniah M & Igarashi A ( 1995 ) Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever . Medical Virology 5 , 193 – 203 .
传染病学英文版课件:DENGUE DENGUE HEMORRHAGIC FEVER.ppt,DENGUE DENGUE HEMORRHAGIC FEVER EpidemiologyIn India first outbreak of dengue was recorded in 1812A double peak hemorrhagic fever epidemic occurred in India for the first time in Calcutta between J
Related to Dengue hemorrhagic fever: Dengue Shock Syndromedengue fever dengue fever (dĕngˈgē, –gā), acute infectious disease caused by four closely related viruses and transmitted by the bite of the female Aedes mosquito; it is also known as breakbone fever and bone-crusher disease. The...