Sleeping a lot during the daytime (as much as 2 hours every day) Trouble falling or staying asleep The urge to move your legs when you’re at rest, calledrestless legs syndrome Mood Depression or lack of interest Anxiety Delusions, such as believing a relative or friend is an imposter ...
Sleeping disorders or sleeping cycle disturbances between waking and sleeping are common in demented patients. They represent a big cause for institutionalization when givers care complain. In Alzheimer's disease, insomnia or day hypersomnia would be seen in moderate to severe stage of illness. Sleepi...
For example, while “making a bad decision once in a while” or missing a single monthly payment may happen as part of normal aging, “making poor judgments and decisions a lot of the time” and ongoing problems with taking care of monthly bills could be a sign of Alzheimer’s disease....
It’s certainly clear that there’s a lot of pain and suffering involved withAlzheimer’s, and Alzheimer’s drugs have consistently come up short when it comes to curing the disease. There is light at the end of the tunnel, though. A recent small, breakthrough study published in the jour...
You may want the support of your family, but the type of support they are capable of providing enrages you–and you want nothing more than for them to leave you alone. You don’t care if you ever hear from them again. It’s a lot. ...
In this kind of dementia, movement, and balance problems also are seen—along with the more common symptoms of memory loss. A lot of people are seen to feel sleepy during the day, confused, and have staring spells. They also can have sleeping troubles or even hallucinate. Frontotemporal D...
Symptoms of Lewy body dementia are similar to Alzheimer's, including impaired memory, confusion, and poor judgment. LBD may also cause depression, lack of interest, anxiety, and delusions. Patients may have problems with their sleeping pattern (REM sleep behavior disorder, trouble falling asleep, ...
While researchers haven’t been able to determine whether insomnia is a risk factor and/or an early sign of Alzheimer’s, good sleep comes with a host ofhealth benefitsbeyond cognitive function. That’s something worth sleeping on. Image created by DALL-E via ChatGPT. ...
You may want the support of your family, but the type of support they are capable of providing enrages you–and you want nothing more than for them to leave you alone. You don’t care if you ever hear from them again. It’s a lot. ...
I would like to share with all of you a common question that I hear a lot regarding Alzheimer. My father is 84 and he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Is there anything I can do to affect how long I stay mentally sharp or is it solely determined by my genes? A. This is...