Sleeping a lot during the daytime (as much as 2 hours every day) Trouble falling or staying asleep The urge to move your legs when you’re at rest, calledrestless legs syndrome Mood Depression or lack of interest Anxiety Delusions, such as believing a relative or friend is an imposter ...
Sleeping less at night and more during the daytime becomes more common, as may dressing inappropriately for the weather or occasion or not always make it to the bathroom on time. Later Stage Unfortunately, the last stages of dementia tend to be the most severe. There will be many times in...
with “Category” Links, “Recent Posts” and “Archive”. If you put your eMail address there you should get an eMail each time i write a blog entry. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the form of comments, but please filter your comments with truthful loving kindness...
There have been a lot of find-the-funny moments in these few weeks; some bordered on hysteria. My practical, no-nonsense mother preached laughter and smiles instead of tears and scowls. To this day I seldom cry—sometimes I wish I could. I’m planning a Celebration of Life in Peter’s...
Patterns of eating and sleeping are extremely abnormal. Insight is poor, and judgment is impaired. Usually, the first sign of AD is the loss of short-term memory. The affected individual asks questions repeatedly, often misplaces items, and forgets meetings or appointments. Additional problems ...
10/17/2013 - Changes in an individual's walking, chewing, sleeping and how they feel can be early indications of dementia. Dementia is the ongoing loss of cognitive skills due to brain cells being destroyed. Symptoms include memory loss, changes in personality, personal hygiene neglect and trou...
This research found that technology enabled the client to retain a lot of independence. It helped him to regain urinary continence, improved his sleep from around 3.5 h per night to 5.5, and halved the number of night-time wanderings [14] Many people with dementia eventually have to leave ...