Beta-delta Math 杨-巴克斯特方程是数学物理方程中重要的方程之一,由诺贝尔物理学奖获得者杨振宁于1967年在对具有delta函数势相互作用的一维量子多体问题的研究中,作为自洽条件首先提出的.随后,澳大利亚学者R.J.Baxter于1972年在研究统计力学中的二维精确可解模型时,为了对角化他所定义的转移矩阵,从不同的角度独立地得...
Math::Complex The accessors methods Re, Im, arg, abs, rho, theta, methods can ($z->Re()) now also act as mutators ($z->Re(3)). Math::Trig A little bit of radial trigonometry (cylindrical and spherical) added, for example the great circle distance. POSIX POSIX now has its own ...
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Delta-Sigma Modulator Block Diagram As seen in the block diagram here, the Delta-Sigma Modulator consists of a difference amplifier that sums in the feedback of the output, an integrator which acts as noise shaping in that it removes noise in the lower frequencies, a 1 bit comparator, and ...
[-.ext.list.util.t]tainted...FAILED on test 3 [-.ext.posix]sigaction...FAILED on test 7 [-.ext.time.hires]hires...FAILED on test 14 [-.lib.file.find]taint...FAILED on test 17 [-.lib.math.bigint.t]bigintpm...FAILED on test 1183 [-.lib.test.simple.t]exit...FAILED on...
Use a bit of math, decipher some graphs – it’s easy! Just kidding: it took me more than a few attempts to figure it out, but you can do it easily with help. Thanks to Martin (retired) and Skinnee we have the data. Bless them. The site that the chart comes from is: http:/...
And that, in a bit of arcane math, tells you all you need to know about the limits of the EcoFlow Wave. It can do 290 cubic meters per hour or about a third of what's needed to cool a thousand-foot space. But do we really expect a 38 lbs device to cool a space the size ...
Math::BigInt The bitwise operations"<<",">>","&","|", and"~"are now supported on bigints. Math::Complex The accessor methods Re, Im, arg, abs, rho, and theta can now also act as mutators (accessor$z->Re(), mutator$z->Re(3)). ...
perlhack(1) perlhaiku(1) perlhist(1) perlhpux(1) perlhurd(1) perlintern(1) perlintro(1) perliol(1) perlipc(1) perlirix(1) perlivp(1) perljp(1) perlko(1) perllexwarn(1) perllinux(1) perllocale(1) perllol(1) perlmacos(1) perlmacosx(1) perlmod(1) perlmodinstall(1) perl...
warnings.t 434 1 0.23% 75 ../lib/ExtUtils.t 27 1 3.70% 25 ../lib/Math/BigInt/t/bigintpm.t 1190 1 0.08% 1145 ../lib/Unicode/UCD.t 81 48 59.26% 1-16 49-64 66-81 ../lib/User/pwent.t 9 1 11.11% 4 op/pat.t 660 6 0.91% 242-243 424-425 626-627 op/split.t 0 9...