perlhack(1) perlhaiku(1) perlhist(1) perlhpux(1) perlhurd(1) perlintern(1) perlintro(1) perliol(1) perlipc(1) perlirix(1) perlivp(1) perljp(1) perlko(1) perllexwarn(1) perllinux(1) perllocale(1) perllol(1) perlmacos(1) perlmacosx(1) perlmod(1) perlmodinstall(1) perl...
perlhack(1) perlhaiku(1) perlhist(1) perlhpux(1) perlhurd(1) perlintern(1) perlintro(1) perliol(1) perlipc(1) perlirix(1) perlivp(1) perljp(1) perlko(1) perllexwarn(1) perllinux(1) perllocale(1) perllol(1) perlmacos(1) perlmacosx(1) perlmod(1) perlmodinstall(1) perl...
and tries also to keep the results stored internally as integers. This change leads into often slightly faster and always less lossy arithmetics. (Previously Perl always preferred floating point numbers in its math.)
This new fatal error is produced when parsing code supplied by an extension violates the parser's API in a detectable way. refcnt: fd %d%s This new error only occurs if an internal consistency check fails when a pipe is about to be closed. Regexp modifier "/%c" may not appear twice ...
The Socket extension is now dynamically loaded instead of being statically built in. This may or may not be a problem with ancient TCP/IP stacks of VMS: we do not know since we weren't able to test Perl in such configurations. Different...
Math::BigInt The bitwise operations "<<", ">>", "&", "|", and "~" are now supported on bigints. Math::Complex The accessor methods Re, Im, arg, abs, rho, and theta can now also act as mutators (accessor $z->Re(), mutator $z->Re(3)). The class method "display_format...
perlhack(1) perlhaiku(1) perlhist(1) perlhpux(1) perlhurd(1) perlintern(1) perlintro(1) perliol(1) perlipc(1) perlirix(1) perlivp(1) perljp(1) perlko(1) perllexwarn(1) perllinux(1) perllocale(1) perllol(1) perlmacos(1) perlmacosx(1) perlmod(1) perlmodinstall(1) perl...
Math::BigInt The bitwise operations"<<",">>","&","|", and"~"are now supported on bigints. Math::Complex The accessor methods Re, Im, arg, abs, rho, and theta can now also act as mutators (accessor$z->Re(), mutator$z->Re(3)). ...
perlhack(1) perlhaiku(1) perlhist(1) perlhpux(1) perlhurd(1) perlintern(1) perlintro(1) perliol(1) perlipc(1) perlirix(1) perlivp(1) perljp(1) perlko(1) perllexwarn(1) perllinux(1) perllocale(1) perllol(1) perlmacos(1) perlmacosx(1) perlmod(1) perlmodinstall(1) perl...
perlhack(1) perlhaiku(1) perlhist(1) perlhpux(1) perlhurd(1) perlintern(1) perlintro(1) perliol(1) perlipc(1) perlirix(1) perlivp(1) perljp(1) perlko(1) perllexwarn(1) perllinux(1) perllocale(1) perllol(1) perlmacos(1) perlmacosx(1) perlmod(1) perlmodinstall(1) perl...