const ZipFileName = ''; FilesToCompress: array of string = ['file1.txt', 'file2.txt', 'file3.txt']; begin CompressFiles(ZipFileName, FilesToCompress); end; 这样,您就可以将多个文件压缩到一个存档中。 相关搜索: 如何将单个文件压缩到多个目录?
##FileSearch, ShowMessage Example --- FileAge 传回档案的日期及时间(DOS型态). --- Unit SysUtils 函数原型 function FileAge(const FileName: string): Integer; 说明 就是档案总管中档案内容裹面的修改日期. 范例procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var S: String; FileDate1:Integer; ...
var Zip:=TZipForge.Create(nil); zip.FileName:=modulepath+'temp\'+self.filename; zip.OpenArchive(fmOpenRead); zip.BaseDir:= modulepath+'temp\'; zip.ExtractFiles('*.*'); zip.CloseArchive; zip.Free; setup Path D:\Program Files (x86)\ComponentAce\ZipForge 压缩文件 void__fastcall TForm4...
zf.ExtractToStream(FileName, StreamOut); 1. 2. 3. 4. var Zip:=TZipForge.Create(nil); zip.FileName:=modulepath+'temp\'+self.filename; zip.OpenArchive(fmOpenRead); zip.BaseDir:= modulepath+'temp\'; zip.ExtractFiles('*.*'); zip.CloseArchive; zip.Free; setup Path D:\Program Files...
targetFilePath := GetAbsolutePath('example.txt'); 4、文件格式不正确 请确保您要解压的文件格式是正确的,如果使用ZLib进行解压,则源文件应该是gzip压缩格式的,如果文件格式不正确,解压过程可能会报错。 5、错误处理 在解压过程中,可能需要添加错误处理代码,以便在出现问题时进行相应的处理,以下是一个添加错误处理...
Delphi是一个功能强大的编程语言,常用于开发桌面应用程序、网络应用和嵌入式系统。在Delphi中,可以使用THTTP组件来下载网络文件。以下是一个简单的示例,展示了如何使用Delphi下载网络文件:1. 首先,需要安装THTTP组件。在Delphi中,可以通过以下步骤安装THTTP组件: -
There is some information about default event handlers in the Delphi 7 help file, but the example provided is incorrect. Whether this has been fixed by now I don't know. If you can add any up to date information please let me know - see theFeedbacksection to find out how. ...
Example 1: Text stored in global memory Several data formats provide their data as ANSI text stored in global memory. Examples are: CF_TEXT –a standard format. CF_FILENAMEA –a format defined by the shell for passing filenames. Rich Text Format HTML Format ANSI Text? Notice how I menti...
Download the zip file Unzip it the release zip in a folder named C:\dmvc (or where you prefer). Launch RAD Studio and open C:\dmvc\packages\d104\dmvcframework_group.groupproj WARNING! In the last path shown "d104" is for Delphi 10.4 Sydney. Use the correct package for your Delphi...
You can view the code in thearticle-05sub-directory. Alternatively download a zip file containing all the available demos by going to the repository's landing page and clicking theClone or downloadbutton and selectingDownload ZIP. The demo project is a Delphi 4 project that writes out some us...