ZipForge is a fast and powerful VCL Zip component, written in Delphi. It lets you easily create ZIP archives, extract files from zip files to hard drive or memory, add files to a zip archive from disk or memory, replace, move and delete files in zip archives. Also it creates and reads...
ZipForge is a fast and powerful VCL Zip component, written in Delphi. It lets you easily create ZIP archives, extract files from zip files to hard drive or memory, add files to a zip archive from disk or memory, replace, move and delete files in zip archives. Also it creates and reads...
What's New in DMVCFramework-3.2.3-radium ⚡ Default error responses contains the official "reason string" associated to the HTTP status code (this can be a breaking change for some generic client which doesn't correctly interpret the http status code) ⚡ Added static method HTTP_STATUS.Re...
function CreateInArchive(const classid: TGUID): I7zInArchive; overload; function CreateInArchive(const filename: WideString): I7zInArchive;overload; function CreateOutArchive(const classid: TGUID): I7zOutArchive; const CLSID_CFormatZip: TGUID = '{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000110010000}'; /...
Archived version of curated list of awesome Delphi frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Deprecated in favor of awesome-pascal - dkj468/awesome-delphi
[网络]In-IOCP服务组件库及例子(正式版1.0.3.888) neumann2017/10/8 下+752 浏+16937评+13 [图形]ZXing.Delphi 二维码生成/识别(纯源码) cddd1632017/9/25 下+2939 浏+45404评+6 [编辑框与文本框]咏南下拉列表选择控件 hnxxcxg2017/3/15 下+515 浏+18149评+9 ...
TMS_ALL_IN_ONE_2011.3_Src.rar (以下统计都去掉了Demo) TMS Scripter Studio Pro 206941 TMS Query Studio 34386 TMS Diagram Studio 79085 TMS Advanced Charts 70444 TMS Advanced Spreadgrid 12846 TMS Unicode Component Pack 61127 TMS Workflow Studio 14238 ...
A demo program to accompany this article can be found in the delphidabbler/article-demos Git repository on GitHub. You can view the code in the article-16 sub-directory. Alternatively download a zip file containing all the demos by going to the repository's landing page and clicking the Clon...
Those interested in the Log4J package can find more information here. 15 DUnit Xtreme testing for Delphi 单元测试 EurekaLog 异常 DelForEX 代码排版 16 还有dspack,N多视频相关软件都是用dspack写的。Asphyre免费开源的delphi游戏引擎,也是用 directx的。
ZipForge.NET is a fast and powerful.NET ZIPcomponent, written purely inC#. ZipForge.NET features include strong AES enryption, real-time streaming support, transaction system, standard ZIP encryption and strong AES encryption, repair, progress indication, Zip64, SFX (self-extracting) archives, unic...