delphi 第三方控件 TsgcWebSocketClient使用 procedureTForm16.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);begintry sgcWebSocketClient1.Host :=''; sgcWebSocketClient1.Port :=80; sgcWebSocketClient1.Active :=True; except on E: ExceptiondoShowMessage(e.Message);end;end;//procedureTForm16.Button...
连接WEBSOCKET SERVER的代码演示: WebSocketClient1.HostName := ''; WebSocketClient1.Port := 8888; WebSocketClient1.Disconnect; WebSocketClient1.Connect; 接收数据事件: procedureTForm43.WebSocketClient1DataReceived(Sender: TObject; Origin:string; Data: TJSObject);varit: TTMSFNCListBoxItem;...
// Create websocket client and set server options oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil); oClient.Host := ''; oClient.Port := 15675; oClient.Options.Parameters := '/ws'; // Create MQTT protocol and assign to websocket client oMQTT := TsgcWSPClient_MQTT.Create(nil); ...
GET /chat HTTP/1.1 Host: Upgrade: websocket Connection: Upgrade Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ== Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13 Creating a WebSocket Client in Delphi SecureBridgeoffers a Delphi component for implementing a WebSocket client —TScWebSocketClient. The component...
Delphi WebSocket Client eSeGeCe provides afully featured WebSocketcomponent that allows to connect to any WebSocket Server using the latest TLS versions, OAuth protocol, JWT Tokens and much more. Delphi HTTP Client sgcWebSockets supports latest HTTP protocol, theHTTP/2version, whichhighly improves the...
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Websockets and for Delphi. Contribute to McCompSA/DelphiWebsockets development by creating an account on GitHub.
The WebSocket client for Delphi is built on top of WinHTTP and provides a communication protocol for two-way, interactive communication sessions between a user's browser and a server. This enables sending messages to a server and receiving event-driven responses without the need for constant ...
IdHTTPWebsocketClient.pas * Add defines for supporting SSL and HTTPBridge and removing SUPEROBJE… 8年前 IdIOHandlerWebsocket.pas * Add defines for supporting SSL and HTTPBridge and removing SUPEROBJE… 8年前 IdServerBaseHandling.pas first checkin ...