A conforming WebSocket (RFC 6455) client library for iOS, macOS, tvOS and visionOS. Test results for SocketRocket here. You can compare to what modern browsers look like here. SocketRocket currently conforms to all core ~300 of Autobahn's fuzzing tests (aside from two UTF-8 ones where it ...
Tiny, cross platform websocket client C library. | 小型、跨平台websocket客户端C库. - RT-Thread-packages/librws
Embedded WebSocket Client SharkSSL includes a tiny and fast Secure WebSocket Client Library. The embedded WebSocket library lets device manufacturers develop tiny secure IoT applications based on the WebSocket protocol. The WebSocket protocol specified in RFC 6455 enables you to develop real time IoT ...
Wslay is a WebSocket library written in C. It implements the protocol version 13 described inRFC 6455. This library offers 2 levels of API: event-based API and frame-based low-level API. For event-based API, it is suitable for non-blocking reactor pattern style. You can set callbacks in...
paho.mqtt.embedded-c开源地址:GitHub - eclipse/paho.mqtt.embedded-c: Paho MQTT C client library for embedded systems. Paho is an Eclipse IoT project (https://iot.eclipse.org/) libmosquitto介绍 libmosquitto是一个轻量级的MQTT客户端库,用于在C语言环境下实现MQTT通信。它提供了一套简单易用的API,可...
Mongoose是一个轻量级的C/C++网络库,主要用于在嵌入式系统,它在MQTT、TCP、HTTP、UDP、WebSocket的基础上,实现了基于事件驱动编程的非阻塞API。 它的主要优点如下: 小巧易用,整个项目就一个.c文件和一个.h文件; 没有任何的第三方依赖库,就是单纯的Socket编程; 文档和示例很丰富; 稳定且可靠,很多大公司都在使用...
项目推荐:1、项目名称:基于C++11 的高性能网络服务器 evpp 项目简介:evpp 是一个基于 libevent 开发...
其中客户端和Nginx是通过TCP建立连接,然后在此基础上利用openSSL将连接升级为加密连接。最后在此连接上利用http协议握手将此连接升级为websocket协议。 Ngnix和后台服务器进程是通过websocket明文通信的。 过程实现: 通过上述的过程分析就能知道解决以下问题就能将需求完整实现: ...
Provides an API for implementing the client side of the WebSocket protocol. Create/Dispose HCkWebSocket instance = CkWebSocket_Create(); // ... CkWebSocket_Dispose(instance); HCkWebSocket CkWebSocket_Create(void); Creates an instance of the HCkWebSocket object and returns a handle ("void *" ...
asio/websocketpp/x2struct/spdlog have joined this repository as submodules. glew and WebRTC library(M85, release, webrtc.7z) have been included directly in this repository. Features video room (available) text room video call voice mail Arch Compile Get the code: git clone --recursive https...