function MemExecute(const ABuffer; Len: Integer; CmdParam: string; var ProcessId: Cardinal): Cardinal; implementation {$R ExeShell.res} // 外壳程序模板(98下使用) type TImageSectionHeaders = array [0..0] of TImageSectionHeader; PImageSectionHeaders = ^TImageSectionHeaders; { 计算...
class function SelectByNamedQuery<T: TMVCActiveRecord, constructor>( const QueryName: String; const Params: array of Variant; const ParamTypes: array of TFieldType; const Options: TMVCActiveRecordLoadOptions = []): TObjectList<T>; overload; class function SelectByNamedQuery( const MVCActiveReco...
12.以下不合法的数组是:() A.arr:Array of Class B.arr:Array of TButton C.arr:Array of byte D.arr:Array of string 13.下列关于 dfm 文件的一些说明哪个是正确的?() A.dfm 文件中包含了对应 Pascal 单元文件的编译后中间代码 B.dfm 文件是文本文件,用于保存编译器需要用到的 Pascal 文件的符号表 ...
function GetFileOwner(FileName: string; var Domain, Username: string): Boolean; var SecDescr: PSecurityDescriptor; SizeNeeded, SizeNeeded2: DWORD; OwnerSID: PSID; OwnerDefault: BOOL; OwnerName, DomainName: PChar; OwnerType: SID_NAME_USE; begin GetFileOwner := False; GetMem(SecDescr, 1024)...
KernelName: String; // 内核名 KernelBase: DWORD; // 内核基址 RVA_KeServiceDescriptorTable: DWORD; // RVA of KeServiceDescriptorTable RVA_KiServiceTable: DWORD; // RVA of KiServiceTable ServiceCount: DWORD; // 条目总数 SSDT: TSSDT_Array; ...
Form1:=TForm1.Create(mainForm);end;procedureInputCCC(Text: Pchar);stdcall;beginccc :=Text;end;procedureShowCCC;stdcall;beginShowMessage(String(ccc));end;exportsOpenForm; InputCCC, ShowCCC;beginend. 调用方源代码: unitUnit1;interfaceusesWindows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Fo...
1 把你的Form Uses到Dll中,你的Form用到的关联的单元也要Uses进来[这是最麻烦的一点,因为你的Form或许Uses了许多特殊的单元或函数] 2 传递一个Application参数,用它建立Form. 八在DLL中建立一个TMDIChildForM 1 Dll中的MDIForm.FormStyle不用为fmMDIChild. ...
class function SelectByNamedQuery<T: TMVCActiveRecord, constructor>( const QueryName: String; const Params: array of Variant; const ParamTypes: array of TFieldType; const Options: TMVCActiveRecordLoadOptions = []): TObjectList<T>; overload; class function SelectByNamedQuery( const MVCActiveReco...
Name ParamStr Function Syntax function ParamStr(Number: Integer): string; Description The ParamStr function returns the Numberth command-line parameter. ParamStr is a real function. Tips and Tricks Parameter number zero is … - Selection from Delphi in
procedure WB_SaveAs_MHT(WB: TWebBrowser; FileName: string); var Msg: IMessage; Conf: IConfiguration; Stream: _Stream; URL: widestring; { _Stream定义在ADODB_TLB单元.IMessage和IConfiguration接口代码来自cdosys.dll. CDO_TLB产生过程:选择菜单PROJECT中的"Import Type Library", 然后选择"C:\WINDOWS...