procedure SnapToFile(Filename: string);var OutFile: TextFile;I, CurrFree, BlockSize: Integer;Hea...
String; const Params: array of Variant; const ParamTypes: array of TFieldType; const Options: TMVCActiveRecordLoadOptions = []): TMVCActiveRecordList; overload; class function SelectRQLByNamedQuery<T: constructor, TMVCActiveRecord>( const QueryName: String; const Params: array of const; const...
var value : TFlexValue; str : string; num : Integer; begin value := 'hello'; str := value; value := 123; num := value; end;Quick.Arrays:Improved arrays.TXArray: Array with methods like TList.var users : TXArray<TUser>; begin users.Add(User); if users.Count:= TIndexedObject...
Name ParamStr Function Syntax function ParamStr(Number: Integer): string; Description The ParamStr function returns the Numberth command-line parameter. ParamStr is a real function. Tips and Tricks Parameter number zero is … - Selection from Delphi in
To avoid using BORLNDMM.DLL, pass string information using PChar or ShortString parameters. } uses SysUtils, Classes; {$R *.res} type Date =record Year:Word; Month:Byte; Day:Integer; end; PDate = ^Date; TRec_1 = record a: Word;//2字节 449218,449219 b: Byte;//1字节 449220,...
MyString:string;// 保留字WindowsHandle: HWND;// Win32 API 类型I: Integer;//在System单元中引入的类型标识 (2). 浮点型 不鼓励使用Real类型,因为它只是为了与老的Pascal代码兼容而保留的。通常情况下,对于浮点数应当使用Double。Double可被处理器优 化,是IEEE定义的标准的数据格式。当需要比Double提供的范围...
Form1:=TForm1.Create(mainForm);end;procedureInputCCC(Text: Pchar);stdcall;beginccc :=Text;end;procedureShowCCC;stdcall;beginShowMessage(String(ccc));end;exportsOpenForm; InputCCC, ShowCCC;beginend. 调用方源代码: unitUnit1;interfaceusesWindows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Fo...
数据示例时,将其类型转换为不同的类型:{32位整数,字符串总数} 3,{32位整数,第一个字符串长度}...
Inif:=TIniFile.Create(ExtractFilePath(Paramstr(0))+'T.ini'); end; procedureTForm1.Button1Click(Sender:TObject); begin Inif.WriteString('T','t1','info');//修改 end; procedureTForm1.Button2Click(Sender:TObject); begin Inif.DeleteKey('T','t2');//删除 ...
WideString 宽字符串 string 同AnsiString 通用型 String 布尔型 Boolean 只能取 True or False } 七种结构数据类型{数组、记录、集合、文件、类、类引用(class of)、接口} 三种特殊数据类型{指针 ^ , 变体 variant , 过程 procedure} Delphi专用数据类型{Type TdateTime=type double; TPoint} ...