3、动态数组(dynamic array) 动态数组是一种在运行时分配内存的数组,一个动态数组可以变大,也可以变小。 声明一个动态数组,只要在声明时不要制定维数,就像这样: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 var SA: array of string; { 一维动态数组} begin { 使用SetLength进行动态数组的空间分配,已有元素可以得到保留} ...
这是因为类型匹配问题,两个类型不相容。edit1.text的类型是string 而你定义的s是动态数组 最简单的方法,就是把s定义成string,就可以直接赋值了。如果一定要用动态数组的话,要注意几点:一是空间的分配,先要用setlength(s, length(edit1.text))对s进行空间的分配,然后再将数据复制过去。move(ed...
fieldListn:typen; casetag:ordinalTypeof constantList1:(variant1); ... constantListn:(variantn); end; 其中case到结尾部分定义了多个变体字段。所有变体字段共享一段内存大小又最大变体字段决定。 2.2使用变体记录时要注意: (1)LongString、WideString、DynamicArray、Interface的大小都是指针大小,OleVariant其实...
singleArray : array of string; multiArray : array of array of Word; i, j : Integer; begin // Set the length of a single dimension array SetLength(singleArray, 4); // Now fill it up : note that dynamic arrays start at 0 ShowMessage('Single dimensional array :'); for i := 0 to...
var Students : array of string; creates a one-dimensional dynamic array of strings. The declaration does not allocate memory for Students. To create the array in memory, we call SetLength procedure. For example, given the declaration above, ...
*unit whDynamicArray;interfaceuses whDefine, SysUtils;type TwhRecordList = class private FActElemSize : Integer; /数组数据类型长度 FArray 9、 : PAnsiChar; /数组首地址 FCount : Integer; /数组当前保存的数据个数 FCapacity : Integer; 10、 /数组当前长度(即当前容量) FElementSize : Integer; ...
RElementType: TRttiType; // The kind of elements in the dyn array DynArr: TRttiDynamicArrayType; Value: TValue; // Holding an instance as referenced by an array element ArrPointer: Pointer; ArrValue: TValue; ArrLength: LongInt;
I don't know if this will help, but dynamic arrays always have the first component in the 0 index and the last one in the Length(array) - 1 index. Forgetting this lots of times produce errors in execution time. If you need especifically more help in your updated code, don't doubt ...
看了官方文档还是一头雾水,根本就没解释什么是开放数组。好像开放数组与动态数组是一样的嘛!在Delphi中,数组类型有静态数组(array[0..1024] of integer)、动态数组(array of integer)两类。关于动态数组,官方文档给出的解释是: (3)Dynamic arrays do not have a fixed size or length. Instead, memory for ...
1 {动态数组} 2 type 3 StringArray = array of string; 4 var 5 NArray : StringArray; 6 NameArray1 : StringArray; 7 Indexs1 : Integer; 8 Elem1 : string; 9 10 procedure Dynamic_MyProc1; 11 begin 12 SetLength(NArray,20); //设置长度,并未创建元素 13 14 NameArray1 := StringArray...