if not fileExists(XMLName) then exit; xmlDoc := TXMLDocument.Create(nil); //*** 创建TXMLDocument *** xmlDoc.Active := True; iReturn:=-1; try try xmlDoc.LoadFromFile(XMLName) ; //*** 载入XML文件 *** xmlDoc.Version := '1.0'; xmlDoc.Encoding :='GB2312'; rootNode := xmlDo...
Delphi 7是一种集成开发环境(IDE),用于创建Windows应用程序。它基于Object Pascal编程语言,由Embarcadero Technologies开发和维护。XML(可扩展标记...
代码语言:xml<description><![CDATA[This is somestrong and emphasized text.]]></description> 复制 在上面的例子中,和以及和都不会被解析为XML元素,而是被视为纯文本。 CDATA的优势包括: 可以在XML中包含任意的文本内容,包括XML元素和实体。 可以避免在XML中使用实体,从而提高可读性和可维护性。 可以在CDATA...
黄聪:最简单Excel的XML格式 摘要:With the soon-to-be released next version of Microsoft® Office (currently code-named "Office 12"), there will be new default file formats for Microsoft Word, PowerPoint®, and Excel®. These new formats, called the Microsoft Office Open XML Formats, will...
Each XML document describes something - and this something is depicted as a base tag inside which all the other data goes in. In our example above, a book was the document element, so the XML was surrounded by <BOOK> and </BOOK>. If we had two or more books we'd have to use: ...
node: IXMLNode; begin node := xmldcmnt1.DocumentElement.ChildNodes[0]; {这是"人员"节点} if node.HasChildNodes and not node.IsTextElement then ShowMessage('是支节点'); {是支节点} end; //判断是否是叶节点 procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); ...
(ParentLayout) and ParentLayout.GetInterface(ILayoutWebContent Intf) then Result := Intf.LayoutButton(Result GetLayoutAttributes); end; { TShowXMLButton } constructor TShowXMLButton.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; DefaultCaption := sShowXML; XMLMethodName := root; end; { TShow...
拖放一个TEdit(Edit1),TButton(Button1)和一个TMemo到你的窗体,然后连接到下面的按钮的OnClick事件代码。填写文件名到Edit1,然后按一下按钮,您会看到在memo控件中列出XML文件的内容。 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var ADoc: TNativeXml; ...
XMLDoc := TNativeXML.Create;XMLDoc.LoadFromFile('C:\Documents and Settings\Test\桌面\ERP 1.0\ERP.xml');RootNode := XMLDoc.Root; //ERP MainNode := RootNode.Nodes[1]; //Main LineNode := MainNode.Nodes[1]; //Line MainNum := RootNode.NodeCount; //主表的行数 RowNum :...