"I managed to generate an API for my application thanks to this framework, it is truly useful and efficient!" -- J. Urbani What's New in DMVCFramework-3.4.2-magnesium-rc2 (release candidate 2 version) 👉 A deep analisys of what's new in DelphiMVCFramework-3.4.2-magnesium is availabl...
[ADataSet.Fields[i].FieldName, temp, Indent2])end; Result := Result + Format('%s</%s>'#13#10, [Indent1,'Record']); ADataSet.Next;end;end;functionGenerateXml(ADataSet: TDataSet):string;beginResult :=Format('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="gb2312"?>'#13#10'<Records>'#13#10'%s<...
Borland自己实现了一个Xerces解析器,这个可以通过调用xercesxmldom.dll模块来实现;如果使用这个解析器可能需要同应用程序一起进行分发xercesxmldom.dll,XercesLib.dll,CC3260MT.DLL三个DLL文件 3、OpenXML解析器 这个解析器的源代码存在于xdom.pas单元中,这个可以通过http://www.philo.de/xml/进行跟新下载,这个是一...
Demo generator didn't allways generate valid code Stopped the generator from generating surplus classes. Features Non object arrays are now mapped into a TList instead of TArray Added a settings dialog and settings class Properties in PascalCase (Setting) Allways use JsonName property annotation (Se...
GetDocBinding(constTagName: DOMString; DocNodeClass: TClass; NamespaceURI: DOMString =''): IXMLNode; GeneratePrefix(constNode: IXMLNode): DOMString; IsEmptyDoc: Boolean; //过程 LoadFromFile(constAFileName: DOMString =''); LoadFromStream(constStream: TStream; EncodingType: TXMLEncodingType...
"I managed to generate an API for my application thanks to this framework, it is truly useful and efficient!" -- J. Urbani What's New in DMVCFramework-3.4.2-magnesium-rc2 (release candidate 2 version) 👉 A deep analisys of what's new in DelphiMVCFramework-3.4.2-magnesium is availabl...
The following example uses the GeneratePrefix function and NSPrefixBase property. Code procedure Test_GeneratePrefix; var LDocument: TXMLDocument; LNode: IXMLNode; LPrefix: DOMString; begin LDocument := TXMLDocument.Create(nil); LDocument.Active := True; { If the document element doesn't...
Align all the buttons as a toolbar at the top of the form and the memo to the remaining form client area. From left to right, name the buttons btnGenerateXML, btnModifyXML, btnParseXML, and btnTransformXML. The real work on the XML will be done by the TXMLDocument component. So, ...
Firemonkey's native Printer for Windows will use Skia as its backend for the physical printer and ensure support for all other platforms through PDF document printing, with the optional XPS printing also available when the target is Windows. On iOS and Android, the printer will generate a printa...
10、ram1resultdiffgr: diff gram'resultdiffgr: diffgram'resultdiffgr: diff gram'再次选择鼠标右键,在弹出菜单里选择create datapacket from xml日 窗 newdataset色 open xml documentctrl+ois save xml documentctrl+sregenerate do匚urnentregenerate structurectrl+rselect allctrl+aselect all childrenselectctrl+...