vlt-peer-lag port-channel 1 no shutdown ! interface Vlan 1 !untagged Port-channel 100 ---理解为用vlan1来协商vlt ! Dell-switch vrrp配置 DellEMC(conf-if-te-1/1/1-vrid-111)#show conf interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/1/1 ip address vrrp-group 111 ---定义vrrp组 advertise-...
OnlyasingleportchannelIDisrequiredforMC-LAG (VLT). IfusingMC-LAG,entertheDomainID. IfusinguplinksforLayer2connectivitybetweenthe switches,continuetostep6. IfusingVLTfortheLayer2interconnect,recordthe: VLTMACaddresstouseforbothswitch1andswitch 2. UsethesameVLTMACaddressforswitch1and switch2. NOTE:You...
port-channel-protocol LACP port-channel 1 mode active no shutdown ! interface Port-channel 1 description To Z9100-ON no ip address mtu 9416 switchport vlt-peer-lag port-channel 1 no shutdown ! interface Vlan 1 !untagged Port-channel 100 ---理解为用vlan1来协商vlt ! Dell-switch vrrp配置 ...
The commands below setup a VLTi using ports 25 and 26 on each switch. For backup destination, use the IP address of the management interface of the VLT peer switch. To take advantage of VLT, a minimum of one port from each switch must be paired into a VLT port channel for each device...
To demonstrate how Dell EMC networking ensures quality of service in a converged environment, congestion is created on the links between the leaf and spine (port-channels 10 20). A port-channel sized at 20GbE is configured between the leaf and spine interlinks. Through the use of an IXIA ...
ports of 8/16/32G fibre channel • The S4112 is a 1RU, half-rack width 10/100GbE ToR switch with up to 12 ports of 10GbE (SFP+) or up to 12 ports of 10GBaseT ports, and up to three ports of 100GbE (QSFP28).• Multi-rate 100GbE ports support 10/25/40/50 GbE. 40...
VLT domain configuration is automatic. This includes peer-link, configured MAC, backup link and setting every port channel as VLT port-channel. Data Center Bridging Support To eliminate packet loss and provision links with required bandwidth, Data Center Bridging (DCB) enhancements for data center ...
interface port-channel 10 description "Server 1" switchport access vlan 50 vlt-port-channel 10 spanning-tree port type edge interface ethernet 1/1/1 description "Server 1" channel-group 10 mode active no shutdown The two upstream layer 3 interfaces connected to the spine switches are configured...
Stacking is supported on either SFP or QSFP ports as long as that port is configured for stacking. The best practice for switch stacks greater than 2 is to cable in a ring configuration with the last switch in the stack cabled back to the first. Uplinks ne...
Dell is pleased to provide Installation and Implementation of a Dell Network Switch Service (the “Service(s)”) in accordance with this Service Description (“Service Description”). Your quote, order form or other mutually-agreed upon form of invoice or order acknowledgment (as applicable, the...