Port ( 1~9): vlan 1 (ip Port(10) : trunk allowed vlan add 1-3, “trunk”端口(允许全部三个vlan通过) Port(11~20) : vlan 2 (ip Port( 21~24): vlan 3 (ip Pc主机ip地址: Pc1: ip address : gateway: (即vlan 2的ip...
1、DELL交换机的配置命令交换机支持的命令交换机基本状态:switch: ; ROM 状态, 路由器是 rommon> hostname ;用户模式 hostname# ;特权模式 hostname(config)# ;全局配置模式 hostname(config-if)# ; 接 口状态交换机口令设置:switch>enable ;进入特权模式switch#config terminal ;进入全局配置模式switch(config)...
交换机2:21,22口是聚合口,23口属于vlan 2 24口属于vlan 3,vlan 2 /24,vlan 3 /24地址为然后23口接一个IP为192.168.3.111 /24的服务器,通过这两个机器实现两个交换机间通过trunk进行vlan的访问。 注意在链路聚合中是对port-channel 1做Trunk ...
New In This Release • Added iDRAC.NIC.VLanPort attribute to enable the VLAN switch. • Added iDRACHardReset to reset iDRAC when unresponsive. • Added iDRAC.Redfish.Enable attribute to enable or disable Redfish service. • Added iDRAC.Redfisheventing.DeliveryRetryAttempts attribute to ...
在Dell 的刀片服务器环境中,通常使用 Dell Networking Switch 或 Dell Chassis Management Controller (CMC) 来管理刀片服务器的网络连接。配置过程可能因使用的具体网络模块和交换机型号而有所不同。 步骤一:登陆刀框 步骤二:获取信息 # getioinfo 步骤三: # connect
$ connect switch-1 Connected to remote port. Escape character is '^\'. console> Type Ctrl-\ here. $ VLAN 1 IP Address Assignment To connect via telnet or webgui, assign an IP address to VLAN 1. Make a serial connection to the switch or connect through the CMC CLI and assign an IP...
VLANrequirementsforStoragenetworks26 StoragenetworkIPaddressrequirementsforaddingstorageservices26 Chapter6:ConfiguringPowerStorestoragenetworkswithDellPowerSwitchSeriesS4148 Top-of-Rackswitches28 Sampleconfiguration28 InstalltheTop-of-RackswitchesintothecabinetwiththePowerStoreappliance29 ConfigureDellPowerSwitchSeriesforSto...
VLANs 6.2 Load Balancing and Failover 6.3 Uplinks and Inter Switch Links 6.4 Network IO control in vNetwork Distributed Switches 7 Storage Architecture 7.1 Storage Connectivity 7.2 FCoE configuration 7.3 PowerPath/VE Multipath Plugin 7.4 Volume Size Co...
reduce power to inactive ports and idle links, providing energy savings from the power cord to the port • Dell Fresh Air compliance for operation in environ-ments up to 113°F (45°C) helps reduce cooling costs in temperature constrained deployments DELL POWERSWITCH S3100 SERIES High-...
To keep the traffic separated, VLANs are utilized in the reference architecture. Priority is given to critical traffic types (such as iSCSI) to provide distinct quality of service (QoS) levels on the unified network. 8. Integration into an existing ...