LocalharddrivedatawipethroughBIOS(SecureErase) SpecificationsofVostro3030Desktop21 Table17.Hardwaresecurityoptions (continued) Hardwaresecurityoptions MicrosoftWindowsBitlocker BIOSDataPortOn/Off-Dataportdisablement FirmwareTrustedPlatformModule(TPM)2.0 EnergyStarandTrustedPlatformModule(TPM) Table18.EnergyStarandTPM Fea...
安全性硬體●透過BIOS抹除資料(SecureErase) ●ComputraceBIOS代理程式支援:同時支援Computrace和主 動式系統管理 ●獨立式TPM2.0(選配) ●以BIOS停用TPM(僅限中國) 環保規定及法規遵循 表17.環保規定及法規遵循 功能規格 環保規定及法規遵循●EnergyStar7.1(僅適用於特定組態) ...
BIOS for serial connection112 Configuring iDRAC to use SOL112 Enabling supported protocol 113 Communicating with iDRAC using IPMI over LAN117 Configuring IPMI over LAN using web interface117 Configuring IPMI over LAN using iDRAC settings utility117 Configuring IPMI over LAN using RACADM117 Enabling or ...
修改bios时有一些值是可以通过图形化界面来操作的: 恢复出厂设置 setting -> general -> Boot Sequence -> Boot List Option 选择 UEFI setting -> general -> Advanced Boot Options ->取消Enable legacy Option ROMS setting -> video -> promary display -> Intel HD Graphics setting -> secure boot ->...
накопителя USB или SD-карты (Secure Digital) егонеобходимообработатьспомощью инструментавосстановления.Выберите Erase Recovery Mediaиследуйтеинстру...
(TPM2.0)FIPS 140-2 認定 / TCG 認定 BIOS によるローカルストレージ データワイプ(Secure Erase), セットアップ / BIOS パスワード Windows Hello 準拠の IR カメラ & 指紋認証 リーダー付き電源ボタン(オプション) Dell Client Command Suite Dell BIOS 検証 Windows Hello 準拠の IR ...
Figure 11. Individual memory details iDRAC Intel DCPMM management 27 7 DCPMM security Topics: • Memory mode • App-direct • Cryptographic erase and DCPMM sanitize Memory mode In Memory mode DCPMMs operate as volatile system memory. User passphrase is not supported and this BIOS setting ...
Local HDD data wipe via BIOS (“Secure Erase”) BIOS Administrative Password BIOS HDD password option (default off) Windows 10 Device Guard and Credential Guard BIOS Data Port On/Off – Data Port disablement Secure update of pre-boot password(s) via remote BIOS update ...
安全保護 安全性選項 ChengMing 3990/3991 1 個 Kensington 安全纜線鎖孔 支援 可信賴平台模組 TPM 2.0 (僅限韌體 TPM) 支援 透過 BIOS 抹除本機硬碟資料 (Secure Erase) 支援 Microsoft Windows Bitlocker 支援 安全開機 Standard (標準) 資料安全性 表 18. 資料安全性 資料安全性選項 值 SafeGuard and ...
Persistent Memory DIMM Configuration Menu Item Cryptographic Erase Options • Disabled • Enabled Description Enable or Disable Secure Erase Persistent Memory. 16 Setting up BIOS on 15th Generation (15G) Dell EMC PowerEdge Servers | 508 System BIOS 1.3.3 System BIOS—DIMM Information The DIMM ...