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We identify male-specific impairments in long-term contextual memory and in synaptic gene expression, linked to altered miR-137 levels. We show that ATRX directly binds to the miR-137 locus and that the enrichment of the suppressive histone mark H3K27me3 is significantly reduced upon the loss...
// Insert a single element. btree.Insert(10) // Search for the single element. if !btree.Search(10) { t.Errorf("Search failed: 10 not found in tree") } // Delete the single element. if !btree.Delete(10) { t.Errorf("Delete failed: 10 not deleted from tree") } // Verify th...
It has been proposed that deletions are generated by the formation of a hairpin loop structure in a single strand of DNA, followed by enzymatic degradation at unpaired re- gions within the loop (Robinson et al. 1997). Furthermore, it has been proposed that the sequences on either side of...
Arrayed CRISPR libraries extend the scope of gene-perturbation screens to non-selectable cell phenotypes. However, library generation requires assembling thousands of vectors expressing single-guide RNAs (sgRNAs). Here, by leveraging massively parallel plasmid-cloning methodology, we show that arrayed libr...
This method was selected because it is one ofthe most sensitive techniques for the detection of mutations [46, 47, 51]. Fragments of 500 bp can be analyzed in a single experi- ment and both small deletions and point mutations can easily be detected. The TSC2 mRNA was divided by com- ...
of SRF deletion, adult mice (≥8 weeks old) were injected with tamoxifen, which stimulates the translocation of recombinant Cre recombinase to the nucleus. Eight weeks after mutation activation, homozygous adultSrff/fmice (CTR) andSrfgene KO mice that carried a single copy of Cre recombinaseSrff...
BalanceSingleByteDoubleByteWidth BarBorder BasedOn 行为 Behaviors BetweenBorder BiDi 双向mbedding 双向Override BiDiVisual BlockQuote 正文 BodyDiv BodyType 粗体 BoldComplexScript BookFoldPrinting BookFoldPrintingSheets BookFoldReversePrinting BookmarkEnd BookmarkStart 边框 BordersDoNotSurroundFooter BordersD...
UnderlineTabInNumberingList UnderlineTrailingSpaces UnderlineValues UnhideWhenUsed UniqueTag UnsignedDecimalNumberMax3Type UnsignedDecimalNumberType UnsignedInt7Type UpdateFieldsOnOpen UseAltKinsokuLineBreakRules UseAnsiKerningPairs UseFarEastLayout UseNormalStyleForList UsePrinterMetrics UseSingleBorderForContiguousCel...
A combination of single strand conformation polymorphism analysis (SSCP) and direct sequencing of RMST and ZNF804B were performed in mutation screening. The 46 primer sets were designed to cover all exons and flanking intronic regions of two predicted mRNAs. The size of amplicon is adjusted to ...