Windows log files, sometimes referred to as "Win log files" and saved with the file extension ".log," are system information files produced by Windows and other applications to record notable system operations and significant errors encountered by Windows or a program. While these files record re...
注意一个密切相关的函数是DeleteLogByHandle,当给定文件的句柄时,它将删除日志。 语法 C++复制 CLFSUSER_API BOOLDeleteLogFile( [in] LPCWSTR pszLogFileName, [in, optional] PVOID pvReserved ); 参数 [in] pszLogFileName 日志的名称。 使用CreateLogFile创建日志时指定此名称。 以下示例标识要使用的格式: ...
Win32 calls, you open the first file instead. Similarly, if you have a file whose name is just a space character and you try to open it by using standard Win32 calls, you open the file's parent folder instead. In this situation, if you try to change security sett...
roll back a device driver, uninstall a Windows update, or fix a system issue, it is safe to delete almost all files in Disk Cleanup. But the options below are unimportant. You can delete them to release disk space for new data.
Win32 calls, you open the first file instead. Similarly, if you have a file whose name is just a space character and you try to open it by using standard Win32 calls, you open the file's parent folder instead. In this situation, if you try to change security settings on ...
Win32 calls, you open the first file instead. Similarly, if you have a file whose name is just a space character and you try to open it by using standard Win32 calls, you open the file's parent folder instead. In this situation, if you try to change security settings on ...
Win32Exception 未成功清除事件日志。 -或 - 无法打开日志。 一个 Windows 错误代码不可用。 示例 以下示例从本地计算机中删除日志。 该示例从其源确定日志。 备注 多个源可能会写入事件日志。 删除自定义日志之前,请确保没有其他源写入该日志。 C# usingSystem;usingSystem.Diagnostics;usingSystem.Threading;classMy...
You can delete Win download files in Windows 10 with disk clean-up software or by manually clearing the SoftwareDistribution Download folder.
WriteLogRestartArea 函数 Dskquota.h Fileapi.h Fileapifromapp.h Ioapiset.h Ioringapi.h Ktmtypes.h Ktmw32.h Lmshare.h Lmstats.h Lzexpand.h Minwinbase.h Ntioring_x.h Ntmsapi.h Ntmsmli.h Nvme.h Processenv.h Txfw32.h Winbase.h ...
Winpop Winrm.cmd Winrs Winsat Wlbs Wmic Wscript Xcopy Windows Remote Management (WinRM) Overview Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Overview Datacenter Abstraction Layer (DAL) Overview Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) Overview ...