The Event Viewer Log files (Sysevent.evt, Appevent.evt, Secevent.evt) are always in use by the system, preventing the files from being deleted or renamed. The EventLog service cannot be stopped because it is required by other services, thus the files are always open. This article describes...
选择“开始”按钮,指向“设置”,选择控制面板,然后双击“服务”。 选择EventLog 服务,然后选择“启动”。 将启动类型更改为“已禁用”,然后选择“确定”。 如果无法登录计算机,但可以远程访问注册表,则可以将以下注册表项中的 Startup 值更改为0x4:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic...
set DaysAgo=30 echo delete the old files start at %Date% - %time% >>%DelLog% rem del cmd rem FORFILES /P E:\data\bpt\log /S /D -460 /C "cmd /c if @ISDIR==TRUE echo @PATH" >>%DelLog% FORFILES /P %LogPath% /S /D -%DaysAgo% /C "cmd /c if @ISDIR==TRUE echo @...
ReportServerInstid\Reporting Services\Log Files读取、写入、删除 Instid\Reporting Services\ReportServer读取和执行 Instid\Reporting Services\ReportServer\global.asax完全控制 Instid\Reporting Services\ReportServer\rsreportserver.config读取 Instid\Reporting Services\RSTempfiles读取、写入、执行、删除 ...
本文介绍如何从事件查看器中删除“已保存的日志”下的文件。 适用于:Windows 10 - 所有版本 原始KB 数:2489761 现象 如果经常在 事件查看器(eventvwr.msc)中查看许多 EVT 或 EVTX 文件,你可能会注意到大量文件已累积在“已保存的日志”下。 即使原始 EVT 和 EVTX 文件已删除,这些条目也是...
DeleteOldLogsOnLimitExceeded Property DropConnectionOnLogError Property Enabled Property KeepMinFreeDiskSpace Property LimitTotalLogSize Property LogDBDataSource Property LogDBPassword Property LogDBTableName Property LogDBUserName Property LogFieldSelection Property ...
First, let’s look at the easiest method to delete temporary files in Windows 11. You can simply select the different temp files listed above in Windows 11 settings and delete them as per your convenience. Here’s how it works: 1. Press the Windows key and search for “storage”. Now,...
Solution 2. Delete Files in Use From Command Prompt This method requires you to open Command Prompt on your Windows PC. For the files used by some local processes (the processes that can be started and closed by a standard – non-administrator user account), opening Command Prompt on a sta...
本文介绍如何在基于 Windows 的设备上删除用户的配置文件。 备注 若要执行这些方法,您必须是本地计算机上的 Administrators 组的成员,或者已委派相应的权限。 如果计算机已加入域,则 Domain Admins 组的成员也许能够执行该过程。 适用于:Windows Server;Windows 客户端 ...
importscheduleimporttimedefdelete_logs(log_dir):log_files=get_log_files(log_dir)forfileinlog_files:delete_log_file(log_dir,file)# 设置每天凌晨1点执行删除操作schedule.every()"01:00").do(delete_logs,log_dir='C:/mysql/logs')whileTrue:schedule.run_pending()time.sleep(1) ...