该代码表面上来说没有任何问题,但是在abap的key documentation的不知名角落里有这么一段话: An empty primary table key can be created as follows: Explicitly, with the additionEMPTY KEYof the statementsTYPES,DATA, and so on. Explicitly, using an inline declarationINTO TABLE @DATA(itab)in the stateme...
DELETE <dbtab> FROM TABLE <itab>. Here all the lines in the database table that matching the primary keys in the specified internal table will be deleted. Delete from the Cluster database tables Syntax DELETE FROM DATABASE <dbtab>(<ar>) ID <key>. Here the cluster area (<ar>) with...
ABAP DELETE statement keyword to delete data from SAP internal and database tables The the delete command has many uses including the ability to delete a number of entries from an internal table which are the same. This uses the adjacent duplicates comparing addition to the delete command. DELET...
statement is executed. An operandoperand1 operand2 ...compatiblewith the data type of the component or convertible to it must be assigned to every component. The first row of the internal table found, whose values in the column of the table key used correspond with the values in the ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development If you need to erase column, good way is using: MODIFY, statement. Using following code you can erase a column (col1) from internal table (lt_data): Data: ls_data LIKE LINE OF lt_data. ls_data-col1 = ''. MODIFY lt_data FROM ls_data TRANSPOR...
The syntax incond_syntaxis, as in the ABAP Editor, not case-sensitive. When an internal table is specified, the syntax can be distributed across multiple rows. Ifcond_syntaxis initial when the statement is executed, the logical expression is true. Invalid logical expressions raises an exception...
use this statement. DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM itab COMPARING <fieldname>. Reply Former Member 2008 Aug 28 7:15 AM 1 Kudo 10,290 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, do it in 2 step. step 1 .SORT the internal table step 2 . Use DELETE ADJUSCENT DUPLICATE in your...
Latest notes:This statement does not delete the package assignment, the documentation, or the variants of the program in prog in the database. To completely delete a program, therefore, you should use the function module RS_DELETE_PROGRAM. • STATE DELETE REPORT (internal) ABAP Addition ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, I'm trying to delete an entry from an internal table of type TREEMNOTAB which is a data dictionary table type with a row structure of TM_NODEKEY which is simply a data element. Since it has no structure, I cannot do this: DELETE ITAB WHERE ...
DeleteTable DescribeTable DescribeTimeToLive ExecuteStatement GetItem ListTables PutItem Query Scan UpdateItem UpdateTable UpdateTimeToLive 场景 使用加速读取 DAX 构建应用程序以将数据提交到 DynamoDB 表 有条件地更新物品的 TTL 连接到本地实例 创建用于RESTAPI跟踪 COVID -19 个数据 创建Messenger 应用程序 ...