–Networkdisruptionis,essentially,unpredictabledelay.isnotsupportedimageformat MacintoshPICT 1998-2002:Definingthe“InterplanetaryInternet”•DARPA‘NextGenerationInternet’initiative –DevelopmentofanarchitectureforextendingtheInternetacrossspace •Creationofnew“DisruptionTolerantNetworking”(DTN)technologybasedon‘...
David Sturgill Overview of Delay-Tolerant Networking Delay-Tolerant Networking and Security What a Security Solution for Delay-Tolerant Networking Must Provide DTN addresses resource-impoverished networks that demonstrate: High delay Low bandwidth End-to-end disconnectivity DTN bridges heterogeneous network ...
1. Microgrid Communication Challenges; 2. Possibilities with Satcom and Delay-Tolerant Networking; 3. Power Capacity Rebalancing; 4. Solution Components; 5. Other Applications; 6. Conclusions.Bakul KhannaJames HeyenDistribuTECH 2016: February 9-11, 2016...
We observe that if the duty cycle of a small number of nodes in the network is set to 1, the sleep delay caused by the duty cycle can be effectively reduced. Thus, in this paper, a novel Portion of Nodes with Larger Duty Cycle (PNLDC) scheme is proposed to reduce delay and ...
Self-similarity of data traffic in a Delay Tolerant Network. In Proceedings of the Wireless Days 2017, Porto, Portugal, 29–31 March 2017; pp. 39–42. 12. Cruz, R.L. A calculus for network delay. I. Network elements in isolation. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 1991, 37, 114–131. [...
On the delay performance of in-network aggregation in lossy wireless sensor networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 2014, 22, 662–673. [CrossRef] 53. Qassim, Y.; Magana, M.E. Error-tolerant non-binary error correction code for low power wireless sensor networks. In Proceedings of the ...